Ibsen’s A Doll’s House and Glaspell’s Trifles.

Ibsen’s A Doll’s House and Glaspell’s Trifles.

See the attachment for guidelines structure that you must follow
links to the plays

A Doll’s House

Glaspell’s Trifles.

create an argument by answering the below questions. Think about what you can claim about your topic. What can you prove to the reader?
The argument about

Are Nora and Minnie Foster(Mrs Wright) similar in any ways? How? Why might their similarities matter? What about the ways in which they are different? How are these women limited by their husbands and/or societal expectations/social roles? Are Nora and Minnie limited by gender? What do the playwrights seem to be suggesting about gender? How do the other female characters in both plays effect the plays’ outcomes? Do these other women have more freedom? Why?
in addtion:

Consider this: Which play is more interesting to you (and why)? It’s easier to write about literature you find compelling. When choosing a topic, consider where you have doubts about the play’s meaning, as those are often the most intriguing/important moments of a play.

must contain a thesis (mark it in red), and that thesis must organize your ideas. A thesis is your claim about a topic – what are you trying to prove in your paper?

Use Direct quotes wherever they will help support your ideas IN EACH PARAGRAPH please .
(see the attachment for questioning structure examples)

Your paper will consist of an introduction (the thesis will be its last sentence), body paragraphs (however many you need), and a conclusion (that brings up a new idea/perspective).

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