Project Introduction:
In this project, you will explain the three biggest challenges you face in pursuing your education. Based on the challenges you explain, you will identify the major components of each challenge. Then, you will conduct research and find one source for each of the problems you listed. You will read each of the sources and summarize them. On the basis of each source, you will identify two strategies you can use to overcome the problems you listed.
Course Learning Objectives Covered:
• Recognize strategies for adapting to change.
• Define and apply critical thinking skills.
• Identify components of a problem.
• Identify approaches for solving problems.
• Navigate digital environments.
• Demonstrate digital literacy using software tools.
• Conduct and document research.
Assessment Preparation Checklist:
To prepare for this assessment:
• Review Chapter 6, “Thinking Critically and Solving Problems,” (pp. 117–132).
• Revisit the lesson for Modules 1 and 3.
• Brainstorm at least 10 challenges you currently face and would like to overcome; these challenges can be related to skills you have developed in this class, or they can be entirely new topics.
Title: Rising to the Challenge
What are the three biggest challenges you face in pursuing your education? Identify the major components of each problem. Conduct research and find one source for each of the problems you listed. Read each of
the sources. Summarize them. On the basis of each source, identify two strategies you can use to overcome the problems you listed and discuss how you will implement these strategies in the future.
Start by brainstorming challenges you currently face; these challenges can be related to skills you have developed in this class, or they can be entirely new topics. Create a list of at least 10 items. Here are some questions to help you brainstorm:
• What reflections did you have while writing Essay 2.1, “Active Learning”? Are you practicing enough active-learning habits? If being an active learner is still a challenge for you, consider adding this topic to your list.
• Think back to the discussions you have had about communicating professionally. Is this a skill you are confident you possess? If communicating in a professional manner is sometimes still a challenge for you, add this topic to the list you’re generating.
• Remember that Exercise 3.1 focused on reducing stress. If you think managing stress continues to impact you, consider selecting stress management as one of the challenges to explore for your final project.
• What problem did you choose to explore when you completed Essay 3.1, “The Problem-Solving Process”? Do you still encounter that challenge? If the answer is “yes,” add that problem to your brainstorming list.
• What are your reflections on your current state of self-reliance? Would you like to become more self-reliant? If so, this may be a topic you want to explore for your final project.
• Consider Exercise 5.1, which focuses on listening and note-taking skills. Do you find yourself wishing you could improve either of these skills? If so, think about including one or both of these skills in your brainstorming list.
• Lab 5.1 asked you to find and evaluate a website. How strong are your skills at evaluating the credibility of a source? If you would like stronger researching skills, consider exploring that topic for your final project.
• What other challenges do you face? Be as specific as possible with the topics you list. The challenges can be related to this class, another class, your academic career in general, your professional life, or your personal life—but keep in my mind they should be challenges that you need to overcome to pursue your education. The challenges you decide to focus on will be shared with your professor, so
select topics you are comfortable discussing with others. Here are some more questions to ask yourself that may provide you with additional items for your brainstorming list:
o What was your family’s reaction to you pursuing a degree?
o What professional responsibilities require your time and energy?
o What personal responsibilities require your time and energy?
Review your list and select the three challenges you want to address most. These three topics will form the focus for your course project.
After you have selected your three topics, complete Step 1 of the problem-solving process by stating each of the three challenges in a way that will allow you to solve it successfully (see p. 123). Write an introductory paragraph explaining the three challenges you will focus on. (one paragraph total)
Next, complete the second step of the problem-solving process and analyze the problems you selected (see pp. 123–125). What are the major components of each problem? You should write one paragraph about each challenge. Summarize each challenge and its components for your reader. (three paragraphs total)
Start conducting research to find a source that addresses each of the challenges you’ve decided to focus on (you will need one source specific to each challenge). If you have decided to focus on stress, for instance, research sources that provide tips for managing stress. You will need to select sources that have their entire contents available to you because you will be required to read and summarize each source. You should start researching sources available on the ITT Tech Virtual Library but can also use other search engines.
For each of the three sources you have selected:
• Summarize them; write one paragraph about each source. (three paragraphs total)
• Write a paragraph about the two specific suggestions provided by each source to help you overcome each challenge. Include in-text APA citations from each source. (three paragraphs total)
• Create an APA References page entry and review how to correctly cite that source when incorporating in-text citations in your paper.
Next, write a paragraph reflecting on how you will incorporate each of the six suggestions as you continue to pursue your education. You should provide specific details about how you will incorporate each suggestion. (six paragraphs total)
Finally, write a concluding paragraph on what you have learned by completing this project and how it will help you in your academics. (one paragraph)
Submission Requirements:
Submit your response in a MS Word document of the following specifications:
• Font: Arial; Point 12
• Spacing: Double
• Formatting style: APA
Due: Module 6
Grading Weight: 25%
Evaluation Criteria:
What will you be evaluated on?
• Did you write your reflection on the three biggest challenges you face on the basis of your responses to the assessments of this course?
• Did you identify the major components of each problem?
• Did you research and find one source for each of the problems?
• Did you identify two strategies you can implement to overcome the challenges you selected?
• Did you reflect on how you will incorporate the strategies you selected as you continue with your academic career?
• Did you document your research using correct APA formatting and in-text citations

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