Gender is a social construct that arised because of capitalism, the mind has no gender.

Questions you need to extract and expand on that relate to the thesis:
#1. What is capitalism? Why is capitalism a bad thing (use a theorist/secondary resource to defend your answer here) (this should be the

second paragraph, at least a page). (what primary text show that capitalism is a bad thing).
#2. How does forcing a mind to conform to societal demands harm a person, or a society? (where can we see it [in what text] harming a

person? (use primary and secondary text here.) What is capitalism’s goal when trying to conform one to gender certain gender roles?
#3. How can (and why do) these constraints harm specifically women’s sexuality (and sexual desire) and what is the relation to capitalism?

Why is capitalism at fault?
#4. Do these constraints harm men as much as women, if so in what ways? If these are just constraints harming us, is gender therefore a

performance? How is gender a performance? (you both secondary and primary text here, e.g., in Catherine vizzani we see that gender is a

performance and in fielding’s work when both these people have to act out certain gender roles, it shows that anyone can act this out, and

therefore it is not necessarily “natural” to be born with gender characteristics, which shows that we perform these roles.
#4. What kind of questions arise from masturbation, prostitution, Marriage, Heterosexuality, Homosexuality (queer sexuality) and

pornography, regarding the idea that the mind has no gender? Do these categories (specify which ones) work for or against the idea that

the mind has no gender, where can we see this [in what text]?
#5. Do any theorist (secondary text) agree or disagree with the previous question [question #4]?
#6. Does capitalism cause harm to these categories [masturbation, prostitution, Marriage, Heterosexuality, Homosexuality (queer sexuality)

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and pornography], if so how?
#7. Why is capitalism so interested in one’s sexuality?
#8. How did the 18th century primary text help us see all these issues of gender and capitalism, have they helped us today? If so in what

ways? If not, why? Does capitalism still what our mind’s to conform to a gender? If so, why, If not, why? (Use a secondary text to defend

your answer here.)

The resources you use can only be SCHOLARLY articles or SCHOLARLY books (not book reviews). They also can ONLY be within the past ten

years, (so 2005 till present day). You have to use 8 secondary text (each secondary text needs to have a quick synthesis/summary on what

that article or book is about.) You need to quote from all resources at least once. You need to use 4 primary text, these also need a

quick synthesis/summary on what their about. These are the 18th century text (which I will be uploading all 4 for you) You will use these

primary text to extract a critical speculative answer on what these 18th century text were trying to do (which I already did, in my thesis

statement= through these text we come to see that the mind has no gender & gender is a performance derived from capitalism and therefore

capitalism is bad), and you will you the secondary to prove this exact point.