Undivided congo

In three pages doubles spaces , on the topic of the issue of the civil WAR IN CONGO , create a conflic resulotion proposal , in essay form for Congos political problems. Use no more than three thirds of a page to discuss the Rawanda and the background problems of the region, and history.No more than that though , and then adress possibile solotions and parties contributing to a solotion. African Union , United Nation , EU , and other None profit Organization. Weather it is soft approach of power , or hard approach . These are some articles to use , and use proper citation . Here are the points of conflict resulotion , and tools of politics that you should use . Use some of them , and show why others may not be effective , but you are not expected to address every single point . Nonetheless, they are tools that you should test in this conflict resulotion . This should be 100 original . Broad definition of conflict = perceived or real incompatibility of goals

Sequential order

Prevention – track 2 negotiation and problem solving workshops – negotiation – mediation – post-accord peacebuilding

1. Prevention – an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure – before escalation to violence

–hard to deploy resources and to take credit for preventing something that has not occurred

–prevention is resolution at earliest stages of conflict escalation

a. Early warning – reporting by groups on the ground, technology/collection methods

i. Identifying countries with structural conditions

-preventive deployment of UN or other peacekeeping forces

ii. Tracking the more proximate causes of violent conflict

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b. Conflict-sensitive aid delivery

i. Aid can exacerbate or create conflict

c. Economic development as prevention

i. Link between poverty and civil war

d. State capacity building

i. Good governance channels conflict into the political process – without it groups seek answers through alternative channels including violence

ii. Weak states and conflict

2. Negotiation – getting to the table

a. Precursors, Ripeness – a mutually hurting stalemate and a mutually enticing opportunity to escape the stalemate – they conclude they cannot win on battlefield

i. Can ripeness be cultivated by outside actors

ii. Ripeness hard in civil wars

b. Pre-negotiation, problem solving, back channels

i. Help parties explore feasibility of substantive negotiations – ceasefire

ii. Build broad enough constituency for peace?

iii. Problem-solving workshops àpositive sum

c. Negotiation per se

i. Less willingness to see parties fight it out

ii. Legitimate parties in civil wars – who should be represented – spoiler groups of those who are not represented

iii. Mediation – negotiations conducted with a 3rd party’s help

–range of actors – states, IGOs, individuals, group of friends

-neutral or biased?

-communicative, formulative, manipulative

-mediation with muscle or coercive mediation

d. Implementation and re-negotiation

3. Sanctions and Inducements – difference between doing to adversary and ally

a. Arms embargoes

b. Trade sanctions

c. Positive inducements

i. Aid, membership in international organizations, etc.

d. Aid to strengthen local conflict resolution capacity

Peace Process – negotiations, mediations, implementation, and peace-building that take place over long periods of time

e. Ceasefires

f. Declarations of principles

READ ALSO :   Anthropology

g. Interim agreements

h. Comprehensive agreements

4. UN and Regional Organization Conflict Resolution

a. Peacemaking (mediation to prevent or resolve)

b. Military observer missions and peacekeeping forces (interposition of neutral forces)

c. Peace enforcement (combat)

d. Preventive deployment