Core’s People Management (HRIS)

Core’s People Management (HRIS)

1) Core’s People Management (HRIS) is the same as Peoplesoft’s Global Core Human Capital Management (Analytics) – they are both HR Information systems and presumably the HRM process here is about PERSONNEL RECORDS & EMPLOYEE INFORMATION.

2) The next HRM activity is TIME & ABSENCE MANAGEMENT – This probably relates to the time that employees work and also their leave and absence records and monitoring. This is covered by Core HR Solution’s Time and Attendance and PeopleSoft Human Capital Management’s Workforce Management.

3) Another activity is Core HR Solution’s Talent Management. There is also an activity on PeopleSoft Human Capital Management’s Talent Management.

So, like this, you need to pick out the HRM activities that these systems are used for.

You then need to do a Literature Review under each of these headings – literature on:
1) what these HRM concepts are?
2) why do organisations need to do them?
3) how are they carried out?
4) what purpose do they serve?
5) how do Systems help with these activities?
6) what are the advantages and disadvantages of organisations having HR Information systems?

Then, following the literature review, you then need to evaluate, compare and contrast the specific systems that Core and PeopleSoft are offering to help with each of the above HRM activities:
1) how effective are they in meeting organisation’s needs?
2) What are their advantages and disadvantages?

Aim and Objectives
• Enable to advance knowledge of the field relevant to human resource management, by pursuing an independent research work on a
selected topic within the field.
• To develop and apply postgraduate level skills of independent research, analysis,
judgement and evaluation, writing and presentation.
• To demonstrate the capacity to understand and explain business management issues, opportunities and/or situations in their context.
• To demonstrate understanding of areas of literature relevant to the research topic.
– should include well-defined research questions or objectives, specified at the outset. It should present a logically developed argument and where
necessary provide supporting evidence to validate and verify the rationale for the case.
– need to follow an appropriate and relevant research strategy and design such as: a case study, a comparative study using a quantitative approach or a qualitative
* The purpose of the dissertation is to allow you to show that you can present an independent and intellectually sophisticated argument that can withstand a rigorous process of examination. It does not need to contribute significantly to the body of world knowledge, (as a doctoral thesis would), but it should contain some originality of thought. It must be correctly written and it must be rigorously referenced. Any hint that any of the work included in the dissertation is not your own and is not acknowledged as such will be heavily penalised and you may be accused of plagiarism. Please be aware that ALL Dissertation will be processed through anti-plagiarism software.

Ethical Guidelines
– Secondary research (use of data previously gathered by others and sometime called “desk”
or “library research”) – Throughout the dissertation writing process, supervisors will check that you are continuing only to use secondary sources. Second markers and other moderators will also
check this when the work is submitted. There are new penalties in this session for who are found to have breached ethics procedures.

Dissertation Report – Structure and Formatting
The dissertation should be presented to a high standard. The dissertation should adhere to the British Standard for Dissertations and Theses. The following structure is recommended, although this may change based on the type of dissertation.

1. Title
2. Acknowledgment
– You should thank all those people who have helped in some way above and beyond. You may wish to consider thanking library staff who have been helpful in obtaining articles and inter-library loans for you, or your supervisor for their efforts, if you think this appropriate.
3. Executive Summary or abstract = 150 words
– a brief overview of the Dissertation and its findings. Make sure you include all the main findings. A common mistake in this section is that too much emphasis is placed on methodology and very little on outcomes. This section should be a maximum of two sides.
4. Content and page numbers
5. List of Figures and Tables
6. Chapter One: Introduction = 1500 words – the rationale for the whole dissertation.
– Aims/objectives: what are you hoping to prove? What is the research question you are trying to answer? This may take the form of a hypothesis, or an investigation into a particular business situation. Whatever it is you must demonstrate that you have a purpose in writing the dissertation.
7. Chapter Two: Literature Review = 3750 words
– The background to the research: what conclusions have other researchers come to about your area of interest? A thorough appraisal and critical analysis of the work already done will demonstrate that you are constructing your argument from a position of authority. You do not have to agree with everything that you have read, but you must show that you have an appreciation of it. In all cases a critical review of current literature relevant to key aspects of the dissertation is essential. Such reviews will normally be woven into the dissertation itself, but may be presented as a „stand alone? chapter. Merely writing about the literature itself is not sufficient; criticism and discussion is essential, and the ability to integrate this into the report is important.
8. Chapter Three: Methodology = 2250 words
– it is important to explain what methodology you have adopted and consequent methods you used and why you used them so that your reader can appreciate how your results inform your findings. Here the Post Graduate Research Methodology for HRM module and various texts on Research Methods should help you. A frequent weakness noted in postgraduate Dissertation is the lack of discussion of method and a failure to consider the limitations of the methods used.
9. Chapter Four: Result and Discussion = 3750 words
– The main body of the dissertation: the presentation of your findings and your argument. This should also be structured into understandable sections (chapters) each of which will deal with a specific aspect of your research, tackling any possible objections to your findings as you go. All this will lead ultimately to the conclusion.
10. Conclusion = 1500 words
– Here you will summarise your ideas, and draw them together into a final statement. Everything you include in this conclusion must have some basis in the evidence you have already presented through the dissertation. The conclusion is the synthesis of the findings. At this point the reader should feel that they have been carried on a journey through your research and that they have arrived at a logical and acceptable destination. You may not have answered all the questions raised during the process but you will have demonstrated that you have understood them and can suggest what needs to be done next.
11. Personal Reflections = 750 words
– Part of the assessment of the management of the dissertation process is based on a chapter which reflects on your own learning having designed, carried out and written up your research.
12. References
– Ensure that all books and articles cited in the text are listed, using Harvard Referencing.
13. Appendices
– are used to offer useful and supportive information which may not have found a comfortable home in the body of the dissertation. They may also provide essential extra proof. The form and number of appendices will depend on the style of the dissertation, but they must be relevant. Do not try to prop up a weak dissertation either with acres of pointless and unintelligible data or pie charts in a dazzling variety of colours which do not really offer anything extra.

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Assessment Criteria
1. Process: Dissertation Proposal and Reflection chapter = 20%
# High level of reflection, excellent insight into own learning, Excellent proposal – clearly defined and appropriate research objectives and methodology, realistic timescales, identifies appropriate literature.

2. Structure: Logical Sequencing; writing style; referencing; presentation = 10%
# Written in clear and concise manner, well-constructed argument flows smoothly. Broad and appropriate range of references uses one of the recognised protocols. Presented to a high standard. Meets and fulfils aims and objectives of a Dissertation for this programme. Referencing is comprehensive, appropriate and rigorous.

3. Method: Methodology; methods of data collection = 20%
# Suitable methodology employed, understood, well explained and justified, alternative methodologies considered, appropriate data collection methods, data valid, reliable and perhaps extensive.
4. Literature; Identification of appropriate/relevant theory; literature employed; critical assessment/review; independence of thought/ideas = 25%
# Critical debate of the literature, ability to evaluate contrasting viewpoints, degree of independent thought, comprehensive literature review, thorough understanding of key theoretical concepts

5. Analysis: Analysis of data; discussion; conclusions and recommendations = 25%
# Ability to analyse and synthesise information to a very high level, application of theoretical concepts to empirical issues, ability to draw conclusions, may form the basis of a publication, limitations recognised and addressed

– The following list of research texts will provide you with valuable knowledge and understanding of the world of research, you are strongly recommended to consult them frequently and in depth during your project. This list also conforms to the Harvard Referencing Rules that you must employ in your own work. It is normal in a Dissertation to include all of your cited references in the reference list.
1) Anderson, V. (2009). Research Methods in Human Resource Management. London, CIPD. (This is the core text for this module)
2) Bryman, A. and E. Bell (2003). Business Research Methods. Oxford, Oxford University Press.
3) Pallant, J. (2010). SPSS Survival Manual: A Step by Step Guide to Data Analysis Using SPSS for Windows (covering up to version 18). 4th Edition. Open University Press.
4) Saunders, M. Lewis, P. & A. Thornhill. (2009). Research Methods for Business Students. Fifth Edition. Pearson.
5) Taylor, S. (2007) Business Statistics for Non-Mathematicians. Palgrave Macmillan
6) Bryman, A., and Bell, E. (2007), Business Research Methods, Oxford University Press.
7) Cooper, D.R., and Schindler, P.S. (2003), Business Research Methods, McGraw Hill.
8) Saunders, M., Lewis, P., and Thornhill, A. (2003), Research Methods for Business Students, FT Prentice Hall

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– Specific Methodological Texts
1) Bryman, A., and Cramer, D. (2005), Quantitative data analysis with SPSS 12 and 13: A guide for social scientists, Hove, Routledge
2) Denzin, N.K., and Lincoln, Y.S. (2000), Handbook of Qualitative Research, London, Sage
3) Miles, M., and Huberman, M. (1994), Qualitative Data Analysis (2nd Ed), London, Sage,
4) Moser, C., and Kalton, G. (1985), Survey Methods in Social Investigation (2nd Ed), Aldershot, Gower
Silverman, D. (2004), Doing Qualitative Research (2nd Ed), Sage, London
5) Strauss, A.L., and Corbin, J. (1998), Basics of Qualitative Research: Grounded Theory Procedures and Techniques (2nd Ed), USA, Sage.

Writing up your work
– The test of a good dissertation is in the reading. No matter the quality of the work you have undertaken, the assessment is dependent upon how that work is presented. You must ensure the dissertation is coherent and achieves the objectives stated. If it does not achieve the objectives, then it should explain why not in a reasoned and informative way, perhaps suggesting further work that might be done in the area.
– Writing-up, assuming that you have devised a structure fairly early on in the dissertation process, you should then plan down to a more detailed level. Each chapter needs to be planned around a central part of your argument and the text of the chapter should be written around this central plan. It is a good idea to write your sections as you go along and not leave it all to the end. Chapters can then be refined and polished and this will help keep you focused on the smooth progression of the dissertation. It also means that at the end of the process you are not faced with the daunting task of creating a coherent example of genius from a chaotic pile of unrelated material.
The golden rule in writing up is to ensure that you include all that you want to say and nothing that is irrelevant. As you become more at ease with your material, you will be able to distinguish between useful and necessary information and the material that does not move your argument on and which therefore only serves to confuse the reader.
– Perhaps the most difficult part of the task is to stay focused. There will inevitably be moments when your work becomes problematic and seems to be going nowhere. This is a normal part of the process – but a good researcher will always retain that initial sense of curiosity, the „why?? or „how?? which lies at the centre of the project.
– You must reference. There is no excuse for using other people?s material as though it is your own. You must also use the Harvard system as this is the Business School standard. By all means incorporate quotations from outside sources in your text if you feel that they offer a useful illustration to an idea. However, you should always ensure that they flow into the text coherently and that they are relevant and concise. Referencing is not simply about allowing your supervisor to check whether you are plagiarising. It is also about offering a guide to other researchers as to where useful information may be found. If you write a particularly fine dissertation, other academics may come along and be interested enough in your findings to want to explore your sources further.
– Last, but not least … the writing style. Throughout the writing process you must be aware that someone will have to read this work. It must therefore be:
• Clearly presented according to the guidelines.
• Grammatically correct, with attention to spelling and punctuation.
• Appropriately written.
– You are not writing for a newspaper or a magazine, so colloquialisms, inappropriate slang and casual jokes should be avoided. Equally, academics are frequently accused of hiding their own woolly thinking behind a façade of scholarly obfuscation. You should therefore avoid jargon and convoluted sentences that are impossible to understand. The finest minds can explain very difficult concepts in relatively plain language. So, keep your sentences short and your paragraphs under control. Finally, a spell checker must be used which has a UK English dictionary base (not US English!).
– When you have finished writing your dissertation, try to find a friend is willing to proof read it for you. You will be surprised how many typographical errors remain in work that the author believes to be error free. This is also a good test of how readable your work is. An independent reader may be able to point out places where you have not expressed yourself as clearly as you intended.

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