Why America was and continues to perceive itself as exceptional: Historically?

The Assignment will content 3 questions; each of them should be answered as separates. First question must be answered with 1000 words and 4 Academic references. The second question should be answered with 500 words and 4 academic references. The third question should be answered with 500 words and 4 academic references. Lets explain what is the first question and how you will answer it.

First question:
? Why America was and continues to perceive itself as exceptional:

Key issue:
1. A very different society emerged in 18thC colonial America.
2. A very different political structure was constructed by the Founding Fathers
Through this question you should speak about the society and how they get their independence, speak about the principles that the Founding Fathers sought to achieve in the new Constitution, then you will mentions brief and simple about what the content of Constitution and explain the structure of the American congress and you should explain little bit about how the power is separation in the congress and what how the checks and balances in the constitution and congress.

You will speak about these key issue and you will analytic it when I mean analytic it I mean you should explain and discuss also argue and build your argument, I don’t want just a history, All what I want is the argument build on discussing explain and analytic tools.

The second question:
In 500 words or more argue, explain and analytic those key issue in one paragraph:

Key Issue:

? 1. President and Congress elected separately with own powers.
? 2. To work the system requires compromise and consensus between President and Congress
? This is especially the case because President often faced with a ‘hostile’ Congress.
? 3. Therefore, the President has to have strong powers of persuasion.
? 4. The political parties have to be flexible and be prepared to reach agreement.
? 5. System can end in gridlock

You will speak about these key issue and you will analytic it when I mean analytic it I mean you should explain and discuss also argue and build your argument, I don’t want just a history, All what I want is the argument build on discussing explain and analytic tools.
Third question:
Argue, comparing and contrast between LIBERAL/CONSERVATIVE DIVIDE, both of those ideologies were divide the American nation, so explain how it that happened and works and how those liberal and conservative affect on the society and the congress and the parties. Finally explain briefly why some parties and people want the limited government?

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There is some information about what the party’s thinks and believes, so you should argue and explain and analytic them or if you want to build other argument it is all up to you but please do not write something did not relate it to the question
1- The conservative:
? What makes America different – Has been the dominant strain of public opinion – Uphold those elements of the political culture that stress individualism; limited govt. – Shaped America as a place where:
Low rates of unionism; high rates imprisonment; gun ownership; higher levels inequality – Associated with Republican party – Party become an extreme version of conservatism .

? Stresses those elements of political culture that stress: – Active role for government in providing services – Raising minimum wage – Increase taxes on the rich – Equality of rights – Civil liberties – Affirmative action ie positive discrimination for women, blacks -Citizenship for illegal migrants – Pro- abortion,- gay marriage – Gun control
Socially and economically conservative Democrats who represent Southern electorates– but they are few in number


? Washington Post July 2009 Poll reported that Americans favour smaller government with fewer services to larger government with more services by 54% to 41%
Implications: – Low tax – Low social/welfare spending – Concentration of wealth
Higher levels of poverty

You will speak about these key issue and you will analytic it when I mean analytic it I mean you should explain and discuss also argue and build your argument, I don’t want just a history, All what I want is the argument build on discussing explain and analytic tools.
Final thing.

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PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, each information you write in the assignment you should reference it, does not write any non-academic references because I will lose marks. Make your work academic and professional. Last assignment I got bad marks because some of your writers didn’t listen to me and he did not write to many references and almost of his reference was non-academic. Please be careful this time otherwise I will not order assignment again. Please be ware that each paragraphs should content at lest 4 references not less, so totally for whole assignment is 12 and if you want to make it more it is up to you But please do not forget is should be an academic references.

This is some reference it might help you and you please take information from it because my teacher want to see from it .
1- D. McKay American Politics and Society
1- C. Fischer (2008) ‘Paradoxes of American Individualism’ Sociological Forum, Vol 22, No 2; J. Wong, ‘’The Anatomy of Crisis: Deadlock and Dysfunction in American Government’, Harvard Political Review, May 2013; Mead, ‘God’s Country?’ Foreign Affairs, Sept/Oct 2006;
2- Internet: Gerteis, ‘The Social Functions of Religion in American Politics’, The Society Pages (Google). E. Foner, ‘The idea of Freedom in American History’ http://www2.law.columbia.edu/law_culture/Faclunch_sp04/Foner_Feb26.pdf
3- Watch:Al Jazeera Fault Lines ‘Politics, Religion and the Tea Party’

4- EBooks: J. Choi ‘Is There A. Priestly Tribe The Supreme Court’s Image in the American Mind, (Introduction; , Perry B. and Mikva, A. Priestly Tribe The Supreme Court’s Image in the American Mind, (Introduction); A Roberts Court?’ Harvard Political Review, March 2013 Google)
5- Bartels, B and Johnston, C. ‘On the Ideological Foundations of Supreme Court Legitimacy in the American Public’, American Journal of Political Science, 2012.
7-Watch: Two short (less than 10m) documentaries:
1. ‘Roe V Wade The Debate over Abortion’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FDRNypYU_KM
2. Fox 26 ‘Does Oklahoma’s botched execution prove that it is cruel and unusual punishment’

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You can select either for review, but not both.
8- Mead, ‘God’s Country?’ Foreign Affairs, Sept/Oct 2006; N. Internet: O’Malley, ‘Republican party Schism: Is the Tea party leading the GOP into electoral oblivion’; . Student News daily.com ‘Conservative vs. Liberal beliefs’; A. Nichalson. ‘The Future of the Christian Right’, Harvard Political Review, March 2013; J. Calmes, ‘Steve Deance and the Power of Conservative Media’, New York Times.
9- Watch:
Al Jazeera Fault Lines Illegal America’s Arizona’s Immigration Fight’

There’s a YouTube series called Crash Course, two of its many playlists are World History and US History.

and there are two videos from World History that sum up the ideas unleashed by the American Revolution and how it is related to the French rev(s). The French one is really just good in providing context at what was going on in Europe just after the American rev.

US: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HlUiSBXQHCw&index=28&list=PLBDA2E52FB1EF80C9

French: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lTTvKwCylFY&index=29&list=PLBDA2E52FB1EF80C9

General References:

Bianco, W and Canon, D., American Politics Today, (Closed Reserve Only)

Hacker and Peirson, Winner Take All Politics (Closed Reserve Only)

La Raja, R. New Directions in American Politics, ETextbook

Lawrence, R. The American Dream A Cultural History, Ebook

McKay, D American Politics and Society – ETextbook (8th edition) and Closed Reserve

Mann and Ornstein It’s Even Worse than it Looks How the American Constitution Collided With the Politics of Extremism (Closed Reserve Only).

Micklethwait, J. and Wooldridge, A. The Right Nation Why America is Different, (Closed Reserve Only)

Noll, M. Religion and American Politics from the colonial period to the present day, Ebook.

Putman, R. and D. Campbell, American Grace: How Religion Divides and Unites Us. Ebook.

Smith, H. Who Stole the American Dream (Closed Reserve Only)

NOTE: there are many more references in ECU library on the specialist topics covered in the course. Use your research/library skills to source these.