Persuasive Synthesis with Research Support

Persuasive Synthesis with Research Support

For this essay you will do research about the career you have chosen or may choose and then make an argument about why this career choice is the best one

for you.  This essay will be a persuasive synthesis in which you will be presenting information and the results of your research then making an argument about your

response to that research. The strategy of your persuasive synthesis is to make a strong argument supported by convincing evidence for your claim. You will need to

take into account readers’ objections, questions, and opposing viewpoints, but remember that your purpose is to state your position clearly and to use strong, solid

evidence from your sources to convince those who read your essay that you have made the right choice and that they must take seriously the arguments you raise and the

choices you are making.

Be sure to use all three appeals of argument as you write your essay: rational appeal/logos (facts, statistics, examples), ethical appeal/ethos (establish your

credibility and that of your sources), and emotional appeal/pathos (stories, personal accounts, imagination). See the Lecture Document entitled “Argument” for more

help with this.

Your essay should have four sections:

The first should be an engaging introduction which presents your subject, in this case, your possible chosen career, in an unusual and interesting way. Your strong

thesis statement will be located in your introduction.

The second section should contain the results of your research. This section should be several good paragraphs long — at least 5, one for each area described below.

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You should aim to quote from 2 different sources in each paragraph.  In this section you will discuss:

1 — What your career is and what someone who has this job does. Describe the job in detail.  What is a typical day like?  Your reader should know what it is really

like to be a person working this job. What kind of person normally takes this job?

2 — How does one prepare for this job (education, training, exams, etc)?  How much does it cost and how much time does it take to prepare for this job?  What cities

or areas of the country might you have to live in to do this job?

3 – What is the salary and earning potential?  Are there differences in pay scale or working conditions across the country?

4 – What are the future opportunities for someone in this field and the outlook for growth or decline in this field?

5 — What is the importance of this job within the national economic, political and social pictures?  Why, where, and to whom does this career matter?

You will need to use sources throughout all parts of this research section. Quotations and quotation sandwiches are the preferred ways to do this. Introduce every

quotation AND every paraphrase or other type of source use with a signal phrase and end it with an in-text citation.

The third section of your essay will be your argument about why this career is the absolute best one for you. Consider your temperament, interests, strengths and

weaknesses, and financial and personal goals.  You will need to use sources in this section also where appropriate, though this section will not be as heavily sourced

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as section two.. Again, quotations are preferred.  In this section you are working to persuade your readers to think as you think about your chosen career. Convince us

that this is the best fit for you.

In this section you should also include and respond to counterarguments that might be raised in response to your choice. Why might someone believe this is not the best

choice for you, and how would you respond?

The final section of your paper should be your conclusion.  Do not merely sum up here. Draw some conclusions!

You should use at least 6 sources in the body of your essay by quoting, paraphrasing, or summarizing from the source.  One should be from the site (See the

next paragraph for info about what you need from the bls site.), one should be a book (paper or electronic), two should be from library databases (One from the

Academic Search Complete database — the database the library search homepage defaults to in the article search area — and the other from one of the specialized

library databases about your field which can be found by clicking on “Complete List of Databases” fpund below the search box on the library homepage), and the other

two are your choice as long as they are credible, academic sources. Wikipedia should not be a final source in this essay.  Be sure to use a quotation sandwich and an

in-text citation every time you use a source.

Persuasive Synthesis

_____ The intro is interesting and inviting.
_____ The strategy used is______________.
_____ There is a clear thesis statement.

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_____There is a carefully researched and source-supported section with complete info about chosen career as outlined in the assignment.
_____There are 5 distinct paragraphs in the research section each of which addresses one of the 5 areas in the research area of the assignment.
_____There is a strong argument section clearly detailing the reasons why this career is best for the writer.
_____ There are distinct paragraphs which correspond to the thesis.
_____ There are at least two different sources in each paragraph.
_____ Each paragraph has a clear topic sentence.
_____ Writer presents research then an argument about the career rather than just explaining or informing.
_____ Writer avoids logical fallacies.
_____ Writer makes use of logos, ethos, and pathos in making his argument.
_____ Writer includes a strong counterargument.
_____ Essay is 7 pages long.

Source Use:
_____Each time writer uses a source, they incorporate it using a quotation sandwich.
_____Each source use is cited by an MLA in-text citation.
_____There are no dropped or stacked quotations in the essay.
_____Writer includes a full and correct MLA works cited list.
_____Writer quotes from at least 6 sources.
_____The sources writer uses directly connect with, support, or illustrate the points she is making.

_____The conclusion is strong and is more than a restatement of the thesis.
_____The strategy used in the conclusion is_____________.

Process Work:
_____Writer has or will submit a draft through
_____ Writer has carefully proofread the essay for mechanical errors.