Same Sex Marriage

Same Sex Marriage

Write a persuasive essay in which you argue for a specific change in the law or government policy. You may choose any issue that you desire. However, it must be

something that can be effected by a particular political action (such as passing of a law, development of a constitutional amendment, revision of government policy,


Here are a few of the possible issues that you may choose to write about:
•The right for gays/lesbians to legally marry. The current status of marriage rights is that in some states, gays/lesbians can marry, but in others they cannot.

The federal government now recognizes the marriages of those married in states where such marriages are legal. There are a number of changes you could argue in regards

to this issue, ranging from advocating marriage equality in all states to outlawing marriage for gays/lesbians in all states.

These are only a few of the issues about which one can write. However, say something original! The same tired arguments have been made about most issues to the

point where they lack any impact. Instead, you should choose an issue about which you can develop an intelligent, thoughtful, and unique set of points. So deciding

upon your topic is the biggest challenge of this assignment.

For this assignment, you may engage in research to learn more about your chosen issue. This research should be only to gain necessary background information if

needed; it should not involve seeking out the arguments of others on the issue. Therefore, YOU MAY NOT INCLUDE ANY RESEARCH IN YOUR PAPER (such as statistics or ideas

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presented by others). Instead, you must develop your paper based on your own ideas. Therefore, you should choose a topic about which you are knowledgable and believe

that you can develop a thoughtful, intelligent argument for change. There are two primary reasons for this “no research” requirement: I haven’t yet taught you how to

properly credit other people’s ideas (so you may end up committing plagiarism if you use research information at this point), plus I really want to see you develop

original thoughts rather than repeat what others have already said.

Lastly, remember that the point of this assignment is NOT simply to share your views on an issue. Instead, you are seeking to write a persuasive essay that

revolves around a series of logical points. You should not make any assumptions about the reader’s view on the issue and should otherwise also adhere to the standards
of sophisticated academic tone discussed in our course lessons.