Second Temple Period

Second Temple Period

Project instructions:

You will be required to turn in a brief history describing the Second Temple period at the end of Module/Week 7. This paper should begin with the Persian period and

Israel?s return from captivity and end with the destruction of the Second Temple in AD 70. Where appropriate, be sure to address how various events, individuals, and

groups impacted the Jews and land of Israel leading up to and during the time of Christ. In addition, pick one significant event, person, group, or ideology (e.g.,

Alexander the Great, the Hasmoneans, Maccabees, the Herodian Dynasty, Pharisees, Antiochus Epiphanes, Mystery Religions, Philosophy, etc.) and highlight it in more

detail by explaining how this particular event, person, group, or ideology affected the first-century world of the New Testament. For example, you may want to go into

more detail concerning Herod?s rule of Palestine, and how that rule encouraged the rise of some religious or political groups that Jesus encountered. Be sure to keep

this expanded material in the proper chronology of the period. Your paper must included a thesis statement, and your thesis should be found in the introduction to your

paper. A thesis statement is an assertion that you will defend throughout your research paper. The paper should be double-spaced, using only 12 point Times New Roman

font, and contain one inch margins.

This paper should be at least 7 full pages to a maximum of 12 pages. There is no extra credit for exceeded the maximum page limit. Your paper should follow the basic

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style guidelines of Turabian (NOTE?Your title page, table of contents, and bibliography do not count as part of the 7 page minimum). You will be required to cite at

least 7 scholarly sources (NOTE: You may count your textbooks toward this total, and you may use the article listed in the Additional Information folder for help with

locating resources. Feel free to contact the instructor for approval of sources where needed). Proper citation and use of sources is expected. You will be graded on

style and content. Be sure to read the guidelines for written work on Blackboard before doing this assignment. (NOTE: No clip art, art work, pictures, or charts are

allowed in any research paper for this course.)