Employer of Choice for One-year Goal

This document contains the template you will use to complete this assignment. Save the file by adding your last name to the filename (e.g.

Week4_Career_Company_Research_Template_Smith.docx). Be sure to proofread and spell check your work before you submit it.
A grading rubric is also available at the end of this document.
There are TWO parts to the Career and Company Research assignment.
Part 1: Complete the table below and link your one-, two-, and five-year goals (recall that you identified these in the Week 2 Self-assessment Assignment) to specific company research. You can

also use employers you identified in the Week 2 assignment if you wish. (50 POINTS)

GOALS    One-year Goal    Two-year Goal    Five-year Goal
(State your one-year goal here. Must be different from your two- and five-year goals.)    (State your two-year goal here. Must be different from your one- and five-year goals.)

(State your five-year goal here. Must be different from your one- and two-year goals.)
EMPLOYERS    Employer of Choice for One-year Goal (must be different from your two- and five-year employers)    Employer of Choice for Two-year Goal (must be different from your one-

and five-year employers)    Employer of Choice for Five-year Goal (must be different from your one- and two-year employers)
Name, location(s), contact information

Products and/or services

Number of employees

Annual sales/profits/growth for the past year
Potential for growth of the firm and the industry as a whole
Major competitors

Mission and/or vision statement


Part 2: What is your personal marketing strategy; i.e., what do you plan to do to ensure you achieve your goals? (Some questions you might reflect on in your response include: How will I

penetrate the hidden job market? How will expand my professional network? Are there skills I need to be working on to be more competitive as a candidate? How will I track my job search? What

resources can I use to help me in my job search and how I often should I be contacting them? How will I ensure my resumé and other job-search tools stay current? Where will I look for job leads?

How will I hone my interviewing skills? What will I do on a daily, weekly, monthly basis to ensure I am conducting the most proactive job search possible?) (50 points)

In order to achieve my goals, I will . . .

READ ALSO :   Alexie collection

(state what you are going to DO on a daily, weekly, monthly, yearly basis to launch your career)

Grading Rubric: Career and Company Research
Component    Points
Part 1: Award full credit if all sections meet minimum requirements. Deduct up to 30 points for incomplete work. No points awarded if the section is not submitted. Deduct up to 5 points for

spelling and grammatical errors.    50
Part 2: Award full credit if marketing plan is comprehensive and is indicative of actions the students will be taking as part of his/her job-search process. Deduct up to 30 points for incomplete or

unclear responses. No points awarded if the section is not submitted. Deduct up to 5 points for spelling and grammatical errors.    50

7/31/2014 Career Development
Career and Company Research (due this week)
Component Points
Part 1: Award full credit if all sections meet minimum requirements. Deduct up
to 30 points for incomplete work. No points awarded if the section is not
submitted. Deduct up to 5 points for spelling and grammatical errors.
Part 2: Award full credit if marketing plan is comprehensive and is indicative of
actions the student will be taking as part of his or her job search process.
Deduct up to 30 points for incomplete or unclear responses. No points
awarded if the section is not submitted. Deduct up to 5 points for spelling and
grammatical errors.
Portfolio: Draft (due this week)
Chapter 8: Before the Interview
Now that you have identified some career-related goals, it’s time to match those goals to
potential employers. In this assignment, you will investigate companies based on those goals,
and you will also spend some time thinking about how you will market yourself to those
The assignment template and grading rubric are available in Doc Sharing. Save the template file
by adding your last name to the template filename (e.g.
Week4_Career_Company_Research_Template_Smith.docx). Be sure to proofread and spell
check your work before you submit it.
The grading rubric is also available below:
Submit your assignment to the Dropbox located on the silver tab at the top of this page. For
instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these step-by-step instructions or watch this
Dropbox Tutorial.
You will be preparing an electronic portfolio documenting your educational and career
7/31/2014 Career Development
achievements and aspirations. You can choose to create a web page or you can use an
application like Microsoft Word or Microsoft PowerPoint. Your portfolio should be logically
organized, visually appealing, and include the following items (required content items are noted).
Title Page (*REQUIRED*)
Table of Contents (*REQUIRED*)
Statement of Authenticity: This is a statement indicating that you are the author of all
materials contained within your career portfolio, that it is your original work, and that it is
an honest representation of your skills. It should be inserted in your portfolio immediately
following the Table of Contents. (*REQUIRED*)
Personal Mission Statement: The Week 4 Lecture will contain helpful information on how
to write your personal mission statement. (*REQUIRED*)
Your Elevator Speech (also called a 30-second commercial): This is a short 15- to 30-second speech that memorably and succinctly introduces you and that you can use
anytime and anywhere you wish to introduce yourself to a potential contact to spark his or
her interest. (*REQUIRED*)
Education section with
1.  DeVry plan of study (*REQUIRED*);
2.  DeVry course descriptions (*REQUIRED*);
3.  DeVry academic history (to be replaced by your transcript after graduation)
(*REQUIRED*); and
4.  Documentation of prior post-secondary education (optional).
Resumé (*REQUIRED*)
Professional Development and Training section (*REQUIRED*) (with supporting
documents if available)
Reference section (*REQUIRED*) with
1.  one letter of reference related to your technical skills; and
2.  one letter of reference related to your transferable skills.
Reference list with your contact information and contact information for your references
(minimum four) (*REQUIRED*)
Awards and Accomplishments section (*REQUIRED*) (with supporting documents if
Volunteer History section (*REQUIRED*) (with supporting documents if available)
Professional Affiliations section (*REQUIRED*) (with supporting documents if available)
Career Pathing section with your 1-, 2-, and 5-year goals (*REQUIRED*)
Work Samples (*REQUIRED*)
The grading rubric for this assignment is available in Doc Sharing. Be sure to proofread and
spell check your work before you submit it.
Submit your assignment to the Dropbox located on the silver tab at the top of this page. For
instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these step-by-step instructions or watch this
Dropbox Tutorial.
The grading rubric is also available below:
7/31/2014 Career Development
Criteria that Submitted Assignment Meets
Total Points
Possible for
All required content is present and portfolio is logically
organized. Deduct up to 5 points for spelling and grammatical
Most required content is present and portfolio is logically
organized. Deduct up to 5 points for spelling and grammatical
Some required content is present and portfolio is logically
organized. Deduct up to 5 points for spelling and grammatical
Little required content is present and it is poorly organized.
Deduct up to 5 points for spelling and grammatical errors.
CSO Consultation (due in Week 6)
Marketing Yourself (graded)
Q & A Forum for your questions and comments (not graded)
A rubric with suggested point allocation is available in Doc Sharing. Point allocation remains at
the discretion of the instructor. See the Syllabus “Due Dates for Assignments & Exams” for due
date information.
You are expected to contact your Career Services Office (CSO) advisor to learn, in detail, how
the CSO can assist you with your particular job search needs. The consultation will lay the
foundation for a positive working relationship that will assist you in getting an education-related
job after graduation. Once you have completed the CSO Consultation, your Career Services
advisor will give you a confirmation number. Make note of this number so that you can enter it
into the CSO Consultation Questionnaire.
For more information on required and optional topics that will be covered during the CSO
Consultation, please refer to the Week 6 CSO Consultation Checklist and the Week 6 CSO
Consultation Info Sheet which are both available in Doc Sharing.
You will be entering your confirmation number into a CSO Consultation Questionnaire item that
will be available under Week 6.
Please note: In Week 6, although the deadline to submit the assignment is Sunday at 11:59 PM
MT, Career Services offices may not be open on the weekend. You are encouraged to complete
the assignment as soon as possible.

READ ALSO :   Product