China’s pursuit of space advancement

Discussion 7
3.       If growing economy leads to higher demand for democracy, why on earth does CCP see joining WTO beneficial?
4.       How do you foresee the possibility that China changes the rule of WTO as its economy continues to grow?
5.       In general, how do you think of the role of international institutions in shaping state behaviors?

Discussion 11
1. What are major issues in US-China relationship?
2.       2. What are key differences between Clinton administration and Bush administration in terms of their handling of foreign relationship with China?
3.       3. What is the role of US domestic interest groups in shaping US-China relationship?

Discussion 12
1. How do you perceive Taiwan’s international status?
2.       2. Why do Taiwanese want independence from China?
3.       3. Why does US so care about Taiwan issue? What are the patterns and the recent change of US’s handling of Taiwan issue?

Discussion 13
1. Throughout the history of Sino-Japan interactions, do you view self-victimization as the only important source of nationalism against Japan? Why or why not?
2.    2.   What makes Diaoyu/Senkaku dispute a salient issue in Sino-Japan relation? How do you perceive the possibility of a peaceful solution to it?
3.    3.  Do you think the increasing economical interdependence between China and Japan suppresses the likelihood of conflict?

Discussion 14
1.  Why does China give so much support to North Korea? Do you think it is worth it for China to continue siding with North Korea? Or China should adjust the policy toward Pyongyang soon?
2.      2.  Can you reason that China does not want a unified Korea by examining its policy in Korean peninsula? If so, is that not contradictory with China’s basic principle it adheres to so

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vehemently in its strategic tradition – national unity?
3.      3.  It seems that the economic ties of China between two Koreas deepens at the same time, how does that change the game in future?

Discussion 15
1.  Why is ASEAN reluctant to choose between US and China?
2.      2.  How do you view ASEAN countries’ military alliance strategy? Is it more efficient than simplying allying with China?
3.      3.  The economic competition between ASEAN and China becomes fiercer and China clearly has gained more, how does this economic asymmetry influence the relation between ASEAN and


Discussion 16
1.  How recent Chinese leaders view the world in general and US in particular?
2.       What are the principal strategies adopted by recent Chinese leaders with respect to both domestic and foreign affairs in China?
3.       How do you view China’s approach to increasing its engagement in global governance?

Discussion 17
1. How can China assure its neighbors and rivals that its rise will be peaceful?
2.      2.  What policy options, if possible, can China use to avoid security dilemma?
3.      3.  What recently increases the transparency in military spending in China?

Discussion 18
1. What motivates China’s pursuit of space advancement?
2. What are major obstacles to US-China’s cooperation in space technology?
3. Do you foresee the possiblity of USSR-US competition re-occuring in between the US and China?
Discussion 19
1.  What is the effect of foreign aid according to the extant literature?
2.       What are three major categories of FAGIA of China? How are they different from OECD’s definition?
3.       What is the pattern of FAGIA of China for past ten years?

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