Project description
You will have the opportunity to implement a range of formative and summative observation and assessment techniques. This will inform your planning to enable you to support children’s

learning and development while drawing on appropriate curriculum guidance.
Furthermore the module will provide you with the opportunity to identify and implement ethical frameworks that need to be considered when carrying out observations on young children

within your setting.


The assessment for this module is divided into two components. In the first component (40% of overall grade – 2000 words) you will complete a collection of observations on one child (that you

have gained permission to observe following ethical guidelines). For each observation you will be required to complete an observation front sheet (see appendix 1). You will use a variety of

techniques, completing a minimum of five observations, using at least three different observational techniques. This will demonstrate your knowledge, skills and understanding of assessment

processes and how observations inform practice. You will be expected to analyse and interpret the observations and make links to the current early years curriculum.

PLEASE NOTE: You will be expected to bring two of your observations for peer review in week five of the programme.

In the second component (60% of overall grade – 3000 words) you will complete a report based on the individual child that you have observed in component one. Within the report in addition to

the observations (which you will include as appendices) you will draw on theory, curriculum guidance, ethical and legal frameworks, dialogue with parents and relevant professionals. You will

READ ALSO :   Nursing

underpin the report with relevant references to literature, following the Harvard referencing method throughout. The report will enable you to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding

of child development and a holistic approach to children’s learning.

The report will include the following headings:

Child’s profile Observation methods used (highlighting benefits and challenges of methods) Analysis of observations

Next steps to support an aspect of a child’s development (a plan to support the child’s development must be included as an appendix) Reflection of personal and professional learning

In both components of this assessment you will need to demonstrate that you are able to meet the learning outcomes for the module (see below)

LEARNING OUTCOME On completion of the module, students will be able to: ASSESSMENT STRATEGY

1) identify key milestones in terms of

child development and learning; Formative, students will share their on-going collection of observations and other assessment data for peer review to inform the summative requirements.

Summative report and observations.

2 )identify and explain key influencing

theories and how these relate to current

early years practice; Summative report.

3 )recognise the need to apply

appropriate assessment strategies as a

necessary element of the planning cycle; Formative. Students will share their on-going collection of observations and other assessment data for peer review to inform the summative


4) use a variety of assessment strategies

to identify, support and extend the child’s

current learning and development in

collaboration with parents, carers and

other professionals with ethical

considerations; Formative. Students will share their on-going collection of observations and other assessment data for peer review to inform the summative requirements.

READ ALSO :   "Too Much Religion, Too Little Humanity" by Frederick Douglass pgs. 160-166

5 )identify the principles of equal

opportunity and inclusion in assessment

practices and demonstrate appropriate

differentiation; Summative report.

6) be able to access and analyse relevant