British Empire

British Empire

Visualize a scene that calls up a strong feeling in you. Describe the place or situation you picture in your mind of ‘A Passage to India.’
Independent Reading Assignment

The story of A Passage to India is a compelling one, about an English woman whose desire to see the real India conflicts with the imperialist protocol of the British

Empire. At the same time, the novel tells the story of Dr. Aziz, who is highly educated but frustrated by the limitations placed on him as a native Indian in a British

colony. T

Main Assignment

Descriptions are not just a way to convey setting; they can also help a writer communicate mood. Visualize a scene that calls up a strong feeling in you. Write a 1

page description that not only describes the place or situation you picture in your mind but also gets across the way it makes you feel.

A successful description will:

·    Clearly establish the setting
·    Use precise language and sensory changes
·    Use evocative details that convey a strong sense of mood

Tip – One of the major thinkers whose work influenced the writing of this textbook as well as Laurel Springs School curriculum is Benjamin Bloom, who developed a

taxonomy of learning called, appropriately enough, Bloom’s Taxonomy. In Bloom’s Taxonomy, there are six levels of learning, each one successively more complex than the

last. These levels are:

·    Recall/Knowledge – the ability to recount information from a source
·    Comprehension – the ability to understand information from a source
·    Application – the ability to use information according to certain principles or rules
·    Analysis – To break information into the sum of its parts, discuss how it works, and reorganize it into meaningful patterns and relationships
·    Synthesis – To apply knowledge that one has and apply it to new sources of knowledge
·    Evaluation – To assess whether a source of information is sound or unsound

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As you review the questions in this course, observe which level of Bloom’s taxonomy they are using. How can you take a recall question and apply the higher levels of

Bloom’s taxonomy?