workplace Learning

workplace Learning

This assignment is designed to discuss your expectations of your work placement (if you are Stream 3 and not undertaking a placement, answer this assignment as if you were starting a

placement of your choosing). You may like to answer in dot points under headings and sub-headings or in any other appropriate format.

Assignment 1 –  Expectations (20 marks)
All Streams

This assignment is designed to discuss your expectations of your work placement (if you are Stream 3 and not undertaking a placement, answer this assignment as if you were starting a

placement of your choosing). You may like to answer in dot points under headings and sub-headings or in any other appropriate format.

Step instructions
You must answer ALL of the following questions:
1. Work Placement Overall (1 mark)
o How useful are you expecting work placement to be for you personally? Why or why not?

2. Responsibilities (3 marks)
o How will you choose a host organisation? If you need help choosing an organisation, what help is available?
o What are your obligations and responsibilities to the host?
o What are the host organisations obligations and responsibilities towards you?

3. Attitudes (2 marks)
o Describe what guidance and teaching approach you expect your supervisor to offer you during your placement (induction, instructions, general approach, ability to answer questions and give

o Discuss your role in this learning process and what you can do to ensure you get the most out of your placement experience.

4. Duties (3 marks)
o What duties is your supervisor expecting you to perform?
o Have you discussed your expectations of your duties and learning with the host organisation and your supervisor? What questions did/should you ask your supervisor to ensure you are clear

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about your role?
o Why is it important to have this discussion and what problems can arise if you don’t?

5. Learning approach (4 marks)
o How are you expecting to learn? Observation? Taking notes? Undertaking a project? Shadowing a manager? Some other way? Why do you think your chosen learning approach will be an

o How are you going to take charge of your own learning?
o How will you monitor and record your learning progress?
o What should you do if you feel you are not learning anything during your placement?

6. Potential issues (5 marks)
o Discuss at least three potential issues could arise at your placement. (For example, attendance? Finding time to fit in other study? Young children at home? Personality clashes? Boring work?

Finding somewhere to stay if the placement is not local?) Discuss why you think these issues could arise.
o What can you do about each of these issues if they do occur?
o Who could you discuss these issues with?

Answering, describing and evaluating your expectations for the work placement
Categories not answered, described or evaluated, mainly listed without explanation. Limited to no understanding of student role.
Some questions were not answered leaving categories incomplete. Minimal attempt to provide descriptions with few examples to explain. Limited understanding of student role.
Relevant answers to all questions in each category with some examples. Some understanding of student role.
Clear answers and descriptions of questions in each category with useful examples. Honest and useful appraisal of the student role.
Clear answers, descriptions and discussion of all answers in each category with relevant and well applied examples. Honest and accurate appraisal of the student role.
Analysis, insight & engagement
Demonstrating deep thinking about the work placement, the subject and the students own role
There is very limited to no analysis. No attempt to engage with the subject objectives. The concept and potential value of work placement has not been considered.
There is limited analysis with an attempt to engage with the subject objectives. The concept and potential value of work placement has received shallow treatment.
Some evidence of analysis and thought and engagement with the subject objectives. The concept and potential value of work placement has been moderately explored.
Analysis of concepts with clear evaluations and conclusions. Clear engagement with the subject objectives. The concept and potential value of work placement has been thoughtfully explored.

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Analysis which is highly insightful. Perceptive comparisons, evaluations and conclusions. Clear and deliberate engagement with the subject objectives. The concept and potential value of work

placement has been thoughtfully explored with the purpose well understood.