latin america

this is course description :

Over the course of two decades, the political face of Latin America has changed dramatically. This course seeks to chart this shift to the left by situating it as a broad response to the neoliberal policies of the 1980s and 1990s, and approaching the rise in left-wing governments through the lens of the social movements that put them in power.


pick any groups mouvement(worker,women,guerrila or military mouvement) from one country in Latin America.

In what context this group mouvement emerged? how do they develop? how do they operate? how do they related to power(government and powerful authority or individual)? did they successed? what are their contributions in the society? Their goals

Fully explain everything aspect of this group mouvement. Write a clear paper please. Justify everything you say.

George Ciccariello-Maher this is my professor. you can find video of him on youtube. It can be helpful

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