Strategic plan for the Sony Corporation

2 keys studies for Sony Corporation.

1 st task is to carry out research and analysis on Sony Mobile Communications and produce a presentation which addresses few points given

2 task is following the analysis you have carried out in task 1, you’re required to produce a report which addresses to given elements

Case study for: ‘ hi h t d t “I

The Sony Corporation, n w c s u en s w

1. Identify key terms and pla_r;nlrli<g1tooIs related to strategic planning for the Mobile

2 §€e)<r::)rrrntl:e(i1ac;:i:nr:lejcgl\l’ii.lsl’:1°’z:lrSdEigng germ strategy for the Sony Corporation, based on one of the

following options: market entry, substantive growth, limited growth or retrenchment (Task 2).

t s M b‘le Communications to

scen‘fl°:PY°u ri;<a)\l’r?t ziggeitgggfida:3lf:§h:::c:r::a:4:{:::t’3i9t:is i?r?gort:nlt division within the Sony

prepare 3 ower t b fo the Head of Marketing to present to the

C°rp°rau°n’ Nthough lthehprfsgfltfifiggtiiengfiflggdup?)n eto make the presentation in their place. The

mam boat?’ ‘tilts Slglsigiisainaargund 20 slides (:l: 10%). You have also been tasked with pgeplarinrgj a

presenta on s o c atlon (2000 words i 10%), for the ma n oa

report about the future strategy of the Sony OFPOI’

t Evidence

dance summarv 07 °”‘d°“°° required by studen presented

J cllo¢k”3t d n sony Mobile Communications, which

A PowerPoint presentation. base 0 ‘ The resentauon shomd coma,”

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analyses key‘/‘gas

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