Career Profile Project



Career Profile Project

150 points

Due Finals Week


Research the opportunities within the Sport Management field. Decide on your ideal area of interest. Conduct research on that job and provide as much information as you can about that particular position. The following items represent a starting point for your paper.


Part 1


What is the job market outlook?

What are some occupational trends?

Give the preferable job qualifications including education, experience, and other pertinent information that will help you to achieve a successful career in that position.

What is the make-up of the person in that profession? Is there a typical “fit” for that position?  (Look at variables such as gender, age, education level, family backgrounds, etc.)

Are there geographical limitations or advantages within the profession?

What are your career advancement opportunities after five years? Ten years?

What is the turnover rate for that position as well as the job track?

What are the negative/positive aspects of the job? Long hours, pay rate, high levels of anxiety?


Part 2


Describe a typical work week. Items to be discussed should include; responsibilities and duties in that positions, hours, travel obligations, meetings, etc.


Part 3

Contact a person currently working in that job. Conduct an interview, minimum 5-10 questions, that will give you additional insight into that position. Make sure to include the name, organization, and contact number of the interviewee.


Part 4


Construct a career path or plan. Use the information that you have gathered through research and develop a plan that will give you guidance in pursuing your ideal career in sport management. You should provide at least 4 “SMART” goals.

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Minimum 10 pages APA style communication. See attached rubric.