Article review

Pick an article from some of the legitimate sources like NPR, Washington Times, Denver’s Post.
1. The article will be related to the material covered in chapters 7 and 8. The posting will be 3-4 well structured, grammatically sound paragraphs.
2. The first paragraph of the posting will be a summary of the article. Explain to those who haven’t read it what it is about, what the main story line is. Also, be sure to say where it came from and give the reference information.
3. The second paragraph should explain how the article relates to a topic in the textbook chapters 7 and 8. You can cite the textbook material here, explain the concept, and then how the article relates to this.
4. The final paragraph or two is why the student chose the article/ why it is important. Feel free to add in your own opinions here

The textbook is: Essentials of Sociology: A Down-to-Earth Approach by James Henslin (any edition)

Chapters 7 and 8 are about global stratification, social mobility and social classes

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