Motivation in the Workplace

Assessment Instructions  
You are required to compile a Research Proposal for your chosen topic, to be used as the foundation for your research project in RES310.

The Proposal should be written in a report format.

Use the following structure with headings and sub- headings: (See class notes for an example)

1. Introduction: (± 200 words)

•   General background of your topic; must 
mention your topic question

•   Outline main points in the proposal

•   Purpose statement of the proposal (NOT 
the research topic but what this proposal is 

•   2. Findings: 

2.1 Topic / title (± 14 words: in the form of a question)

2.2 Purpose/ problem statement of the topic (± 50-100 words: purpose of your topic & what you will argue when you write the paper)

2.3 Significance and justification of the research project (± 300 words: justify why this topic is relevant & whether it is feasible)

2.4 Main points of argument / threads / to be discussed in the research project (± 50-100 words: your threads which will becoming headings in your body of the research paper, point form, NO discussion)



2.5 TABLE showing list of main points / threads with corresponding research methods and methodologies used (±200-300 words in a TABLE format)


2.6 TABLE showing list of primary research methods used with justification (±200-300 words in a TABLE format)

2.7 Ethical considerations of the project (±300 words: quality & integrity of your secondary & primary research)


2.8 Expected outcomes and limitations of the research project (±400 words: predictions about the research & limitations)

2.9 Personal reflection of the research process so far (±200 words: evaluate your research journey so far)

3. Conclusion and Recommendations: (± 200 words)

•    Summarize findings

•    Sum up final thoughts

•    Recommendations for further research

4. Appendices:

• Copies of primary research questions/ questionnaires

The writing style for the Research Proposal is formal, business writing. Do not use the first person. Use full sentences. Should be APA 6th Edition for bibliography.


READ ALSO :   Instructions