Please read instructions…current event

This article is regarding the shooting that occurred in Balch Springs, Texas. The police officer shot a 15 year old boy in the head. The family, community, school and his friends are deeply sorrow on what happened with Jonathan. Politicians are saying that it is not the first time that has happened and it is not going to be the last time. Discrimination against black people is been going on since the beginning. People are saying that African Americans are always targeted and labelled as criminals. For this incident, the officer who shot the fire changed his statements. First he said the car was driving backward when he opened the fire but after the video he said the car was moving forward. Whatever the reason was but firing on unarmed person can never be justified. The officer could have done other things to stop the car like to fire on the tires instead of firing 15 year old boy.
This article reminds me of the chapter 15 Out Of The War Clamors for Change from A Different Mirror. This chapter is about after world war two when different racial groups started to fight for their rights in United States. They wanted same reorganization as white Americans had. In this chapter African Americans fought for their rights too. They challenged the segregated educational system and they were able to change that when Supreme Court ruled the decision in their favor. But that was only in the court papers and in real it was same as it was before. African Americans were still facing discrimination. They were not allowed to share seats in a bus with White Americans and if white Americans ran out off seats than African American have to move from their seat to give them space to sit. I think discrimination is like a cancer in this society. It started in the beginning and unfortunately it is still growing. Not only Africans Americans are victims of it, all the races suffers from it. White privilege was the part of this society and still it is a part of this society.
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For Current Events your task is to browse and peruse through the internet for online newspapers. Find a news article that you can connect and relate to your readings and/or your lectures for that specific chapter. Create a post with the link to the article. Give a brief 1 paragraph summary of the article. Then give another 1-2 paragraph analysis of how that article is related to what we are discussing and/or reading for that week’s unit. Please refer to our current readings/discussions below).
Book: Give Me Liberty by Eric Foner V2
Chapter 25- THE SIXTIES, 1960-19678
Chapter 26- THE TRIUMPH OF CONSERVATISM, 1969-1988
Chapter 27- FROM TRIUMPH TO TRAGEDY, 1989-2001
Chapter 15: OUT OF THE WAR
BE SURE TO CITE THE CHAPTER(S) AND/OR LECTURE THAT YOU ARE CONNECTING IT TO. You must find your news articles from credible, reliable newspapers. Articles should be no more than one year old. Please open attached example. You just have to pick one current event (not more that 1 year old) that is related to any chapters mentioned above.

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