Health Care Systems in Australia

To complete this assignment, you must submit to the Grade Center, as a Word document, a 6 – 8 page, double-spaced, written research paper analyzing the healthcare system of Australia. You must use a 12 point Arial font and 1″ margins. Your paper must include the following items: Who is covered? Is the system a form of national healthcare or national insurance? How the system funded? Are doctors private or employed by the government? How is the quality of care? Be sure to provide pros and cons of the system. Also be sure to compare and contrast that system to what we have in the United States.

You can reference previous political, technological, social and legislative trends. All sources must be cited properly. The following explains what I will be looking for when grading this paper: HCDS Semester Long Research Project Grading RubricBe sure to cite your sources both within your paper (parenthetical citations) and at the end in the form of a Work Cited using the MLA citation format. Papers submitted without BOTH of these items are subject to a grade of “0”.

A research paper blends your own ideas and information from expert sources. It is NOT a series of direct quotations strung together. Your goal is not to collect everything you can find out about a subject and summarize it. Although you should review as much material as possible, you should select sources that directly support your thesis. The focus of your paper is your point of view, your commentary. Direct quotations, facts, and statistics may be woven throughout your paper, but they should support your position. Your commentary should do more than simply introduce or link quotations. Research papers must use documentation methods to prevent you from plagiarizing sources. Do not borrow ideas, statistics, or facts without noting their original source. There is no specific number of sources that need to be used.

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