Leadership Studies

For Leadership Section 109
Assignment 2
10 marks (10%)
Individual Writing – between 250 to 300 words is expected.
Submission date A: March 15 with completed surveys in class
Submission date B: March 20writing hardcopy in class; upload to Blackboard just in case. Hardcopy in class is for the grade.

To recognize and articulate the importance leadership plays in groups and organizations.
To articulate the student’s own definition of leadership and explain



What to do for SUBMISSION A on March 14:

1. Go to page 38, Northouse Textbook, Leadership Trait Questionnaire.
2. Make 6 copies of the questionnaire. 5 copies given to 5 people to assess you. 1 copy for you to assess yourself.
3. Choose 5 people you can trust. They must know you. They must give you honest answers.
4. Get a big envelope to put the surveys in. Do not look at them until you have all 5 with you.
5. Remember . . . tell the 5 people that you will not look at their answers until all the OTHER people have completed the survey. In this way, you will not know WHO is doing the survey.
6. You can use people at work, at home, friends – only those who know you well and are honest and will answer truthfully.
7. IN CLASS: Bring all the 6 surveys completed. Calculate the answers. Get your average score for each of the 14 traits.
8. Start to think about your scores. Why? Do you agree or not agree? Did you learn something about yourself and your leadership? Is there something you did not know, but you know it now?

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See next page.



What to do for SUBMISSION B on March 21:

1. Follow the usual essay writing format you learned in Writing Comms class for margins, line spacing, font size, etc.
2. Type your name, ID, section number at the top of page 1.
3. Type the title of the paper near the top in the middle. This is the title —Assignment 2 Further Leadership Awareness
4. Answer the following questions:

Paragraph 1:
a. What is your average overall score from the 5 assessors?
b. What is the average overall score from your self survey?
Paragraph 2:
c. Are there any assessors’ scores from the 14 traits in the survey that you agree with? Which traits are those? What do you think about the results?
d. Are there any assessors” scores from the 14 traits in the survey that you disagree with?
Which traits are those? What do you think about the results?
Paragraph 3:
e. What did you learn about yourself and your leadership traits that you did not know before?
f. Did you know that you had these traits before? If yes, choose one trait and write about an example from your life. Choose another trait and write about an example from your life. 2 traits is enough.

Paragraph 4:
g. Is there a difference/discrepancy between your self-survey scores (the scores you selected about yourself), and the scores of your assessors? Yes or No?
h. If there is a difference, write which traits have different scores.
i. Think about those differences in scores. Write your ideas about WHY the scores might be different.
j. Think again about those difference in scores. Write what you can learn from this information to make your leadership more effective and professional.
k. If there are no big differences . . .
l. Write your ideas about WHY you think the scores are the same as yours for the traits.
m. Think about some examples in your life that proves the scores are correct. Write about these examples from your life to prove you have these traits strongly.
n. What can you tell others about yourself that will help them to improve?

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Paragraph 5:
o. What is your leadership style according to the computer survey you completed?
p. Is there a match between your leadership style and the scores of the traits?
q. Write and explain what you found from the surveys scores and how they match or how they DO NOT match your leadership style.
r. Write why you think your leadership style needs these traits.