Traditional Research Paper


1) Introduction
2) Literature Review
3) Hypotheses/Research Questions (either embedded in lit review or after)
4) Methods (Includes plan for collecting data, rationale for this method, and plan/rationale for analysis of data)
5) Report of results and whether matched hypotheses (if applicable)
6) Implications
a) Includes very brief overview of results (summarize) and why these matter
b) Points out limitations of the research
c) Recommends directions for future research
7) Conclusion

Steps for TRP

Step 1: Pick a topic, narrow down
Step 2: Think of and decide on theory(ies) concept(s) that may explain or be related to your topic
Step 3: Literature Review (include studies on both topic and studies using theory/concept in similar way)…your literature review builds and argument for 1) why this study is needed and 2) why your idea/hypotheses/research questions are valid
Step 4: Design your study (explain methods, materials, and plan for analysis)
Step 5: Gather data
Step 6: Analyze data
Step 7: Report results
Step 8: Implications
Step 9: Write introduction and conclusion



Professional Project


1. Introduction
2. Literature review (covers previous studies and uses of theory(ies)/concept(s))
3. Description of project
a) includes your plan and why the project is needed based on lit review
4. In-depth post-description of project (think of this as your analysis)
5. Implications
a) Includes very brief overview of results (summarize) and why these matter
b) Points out limitations of the project
c) Recommends directions for future research and/or projects
6. Conclusion


Steps for PP

Step 1: Pick a topic, narrow down
Step 2: Think of and decide on theory(ies) concept(s) that may explain or be related to your topic
Step 3: Literature Review (include studies on both topic and studies using theory/concept in similar way)…your literature review builds and argument for 1) why this project is needed and 2) why your idea for this project is valid
Step 4: Describe what you’ll be doing and why. Give specifics of how you’re doing this project
Step 5: Take field notes while engaging in project
Step 6: Analyze your notes and experiences
Step 7: Report results (make sure to integrate information from lit review and provide examples and evidence)
Step 8: Implications
Step 9: Write introduction and conclusion

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Rhetorical/Narrative/Theoretical Argument Research Paper


1. Introduction (including thesis)
2. Literature review
a) if doing rhetorical or narrative analysis, also use this section to provide historical context and describe the piece(s) for analysis
b) if doing analysis, also use this section to describe the theory and method of analysis
3. Analyze the piece (or body of literature for theoretical argument paper)
4. Briefly overview the results
5. Discuss implications of your findings and suggest future work
6. Conclusion

Steps for RNTAP

Step 1: Choose topic (either an argument/exploration/or piece for analysis)
Step 2: Choose and discuss your theory or lens for the paper
Step 3: Literature review
Step 4: Analysis of piece(s) or broader literature review to build theoretical argument
Step 5: Summarize results
Step 6: Discuss implications of your findings
Step 7: Write introduction and conclusion