Race and Poverty in Americas

Use Alexander/Kozol’s readings to imagine a life in Camden, in Detroit, in East St. Louis,
in Newark, and so on. What kinds of environments (economic situation, education etc.)
do people without privileges encounter everyday?
When thinking about the education and future livelihood of Black children, in Camden, in Detroit, in East St. Louis, in Newark, existentially (and religiously) one of course never detracts free will and responsibility from the individuals most intimately involved, yet when thinking about society, other actors, factors, must be given responsibility…Who are they, what are their roles in the formation, education, and realization of said youth…be detailed…don’t only deal with Kozol, broken streets and broken schools, be holistic, include all the agents/actors that Alexander focuses on and brings into the equation, also consider (again) the role of media (and the control of media)


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