
Please write a literary analysis on the 1818 Mary Shelley version of Frankenstein.
378 many Voices: British literature
Process of Writing a literary analysis
The writing process is recursive—you can move back and forth among the stages of the writing process
to achieve your purpose . For example, during editing, you may wish to return to the revising stage to add
details that have occurred to you while editing .
• Reread “Quality” once again and write a brief summary of the plot, main characters, and theme.
Then write a personal response to the story and a quick analysis from a literary perspective .
• Choose and limit a subject for your analysis by synthesizing your personal and literary responses.
• Shape your limited subject into a thesis statement that will provide a focus as you write.
• Scan the work, looking for details that will support your thesis statement. On separate note cards,
write each detail, the page reference, and a note explaining its significance .
• Decide on an appropriate order for your details and use it to organize them into an outline.
• In the introduction, identify the title of the work and the author.
• Revise your thesis statement as needed and work it into the introduction as smoothly as possible.
• In the body of your essay, present your supporting details in a clearly organized form.
• Put each subtopic into its own paragraph. Use transitions to show how one detail relates to another.
• In the conclusion, draw together your details to reinforce the main idea of your essay. You may want
to restate the thesis in a slightly different form . Add a strong ending .
• Be sure your introduction draws in the reader. It should include a clearly worded thesis and a short
summary of the story .
• Use the present tense consistently.
• Provide ample details to support your thesis.
• Include quotes from the story to support your points.
• Be sure the conclusion has impact and summarizes the thesis and details of your analysis.
• Check your work for grammar, spelling, usage, and mechanics.
• Pay special attention to the punctuation of direct quotations.
• Be sure margins are properly spaced.
• Follow standard manuscript form and prepare a neat final copy of your analysis.
• Share it with interested readers.

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