The Norton Introduction to Literature Kelly J. Mays wk3 reaction


Please read (Page 634-638) on the book of (The Norton Introduction to Literature Kelly J. Mays). on a attach file, read the following question and respond. respond with your own personal opinion of what Tarrell Brown actually said about the question. I prefer you agree with what he said about the question. please make sure its only 200 to 220 words and its a personal respond paper. This is the only source your allow to use (The Norton Introduction to Literature KellyJ. Mays 12th Edition)


T. B.

Question: The definition of a white elephant is a useless or troublesome possession that is expensive to maintain. Keeping that in mind, how do you think the title of the story ties into the operation the couple is talking about?


Answer this Respond

I must come clean before I break my thoughts down and say I was so lost that I had to seek out help to understand this story by Ernest Hemingway. I just could not follow the dialogue between the two main characters enough to figure out what it was that they kept alluding to. With that being said I believe that the title fits the story. The white elephant took on a few different meanings for me the obvious one being the baby. They were not willing to change their lifestyle between the drinking and traveling to have a child. The cost of having a baby for these two meant that their favorite two past times would have to change and that was a price that they were not willing to pay. I also seen the idea of love as being the white elephant. The price of their love came at the cost of their child. They felt like the product of their love would some how cost them their love. They didn’t believe that their love could stand the test of a baby. The man never gave a definitive yes or no he put the whole decision on the shoulders of the lady. I believe she wanted to have the baby but feared losing him more. She wanted him to step up but instead he stepped aside. Putting himself in a position to not have to take on any responsibilities in making the choice. I felt like he may have been older than she was or mabe she was just infatuated with him. You know the type of young lady that was unpopular but she ended up with the star point guard because they fell in love while she was tutoring him during the season. Either way the potential of having an addition to their union was to costly. Rather it was financially or the affects that a child would bring to their perfect life of liquor and train tickets. They weren’t willing to risk their love or livelihood for the sake of having a child.

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