

Presidents take several factors into account in choosing nominees for the U.S. Supreme Court. Senators, in turn, also take a number of factors into account in deciding whether to vote for or vote against confirmation of Supreme Court nominees. Write an essay in which you discuss the factors that President Bush took into account in nominating John Roberts, Harriet Myers, and Samuel Alito to fill recent Supreme Court vacancies. Discuss what the results of these nominations were (i.e., confirmed or not, easy confirmation or close vote?) and why. What factors did senators take into account in voting in favor of or against these nominees? Also discuss the factors that President Obama took into account in nominating Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan to fill Supreme Court vacancies. Discuss what the results of these nominations were (i.e., confirmed or not, easy confirmation or close vote?) and why. What factors did senators take into account in voting in favor of or against these nominees? Finally, discuss the process of filling the Supreme Court vacancy created by the death of Justice Scalia in early 2016. Who did President Obama nominate to fill this seat? What happened to the nominee (was s/he confirmed; why or why not?). What is the current status of the seat previously held by Justice Scalia?



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