international event.

international event.

Students will work individually to compile an introductory event brief containing the outline of an international event.
The brief should include:
•    Factors including the event’s target audience, approximate budget, planned marketing techniques and timing are fundamental inclusions.
•    Identify what type of event/activity you would like to do.
•    Determine the goals of the event and what you would like to accomplish.
•    Define your objectives and outcomes of the event or activity.
•    Identify the target audience and event emphasis: Education, Health etc.
•    Decide on a date and time for the event or activity.
•    Consider locations and types of facilities to host event.
•    Create an event/program budget.
•    Identify the sources and amounts of potential revenue and expenses.
•    Identify the method(s) which will be used to publicize the event or activity, both internally and externally.
Word limit 1500
Blackboard submission via turnitin before 23.59 on Sunday of week 7)
Submission in week 7

A proposal sample
Research- Before meeting with a new client, research their company to become familiar with its history, their past events, etc.
Provide the following information:
1st- Letterhead-  Apart from your company’s name and details, include full client contact details
2nd- Include 5Ws information
Why is it being held? (You could link it to what (main aims)
What is the client objective? What do they want to achieve by hosting the event? Establish the client’s objectives. Find out exactly what the client wants from the event, either from a brief or from a meeting (ask questions at the end to avoid interrupting their line of thought). Summarize their objectives to them, to ensure you got it right.
When will it be held?
Where will it be held?
Who will be attending? Who are your target audience / participants – elite, a specific age group, women, etc.? Who will organise it- staff/ volunteers, who are the key partners needed/ interested / supportive?
3rd- The event overview.  Describe the event in one or two paragraphs (approx. 150 words) to help the client imagine and visualize the event.
4th- You could be specific about what will happen on their arrival in terms of staff, assistance, exterior and interior (entrance) decoration/design. Your suggestions can be illustrated with photographs, pictures or pen drawings.
5th-The detailed creative plan. Present a floor plan, preferably in size A3 laminated copies, and explain the flow of the event in detail. Be brief and precise.
Define the creative plan – Research the concept specifically requested by the company and come up with your creative concept. Focus on:
•    The events concept & theme
•    The style of the event
•    Décor and colour scheme (if applicable)
•    Technical specifications for light, sound, visuals and special effects
•    Entertainment components, including photographs and bios of the feature artists and bands that you are proposing.
•    Catering, including a profile of the caterer with a suggested menu.

READ ALSO :   Assessment of the Child: Functional Health Pattern Analysis Worksheet

Walk the client through the story.
Let the written word express the visualisation of the event.
Make the visual aids (conceptual art, drawing, and photos) support the concept.
Include a table layout on a floor plan (if applicable).
6th. The event’s schedule, first draft for discussion.
7Th. How it will be budgeted
8th How it will be promoted
How will it be budgeted?
All expenses must be paid from the revenue generated from your event. Please list your expected revenue and estimated expenses. If necessary please attach a separate page.

REVENUE                                                  EXPENSES
Sponsorship £                          Facilities Rentals (venue), set-up charges £
Venue £
Donations £                              Catering/Food & Beverage £
Ticket Sales £                          Printing (tickets, posters, forms, invitations) £
Raffles/ Silent Auction £           Advertising- (Ads, posters & flyers, display materials) £
Registration Fees £                 Production-Rent sound, lighting, projectors, other equipment £
Other £                                     Prizes £
Licence fees £
Program-Fees for performers, artists, professional services £
Other (e.g. Materials, specific items) £

Total Revenue £                      Total Expenses £
Net Profit £