Contrasting Music Pieces

We all have different musical taste and different opinions. Select a piece of music from the chapters attached that you especially enjoy (pop music cannot be used) and also select a piece that you may not relate to or do not appreciate. Give specific contrasts between the pieces that affect your emotions toward them. Give a paragraph of biographical information about the composer of each piece. Use musical terms in your document to explain your personal opinions. Why do you relate to the piece you enjoy more than others that were covered in the class? Give a link to it so others may listen. Respond to two of your peers’ posts. Be respectful in your posts. With your acquired musical expertise in this class you should be able to write a cultured music critique in this comparison. I am looking forward to reading your initial post and response posts. I have really enjoyed your thoughtful posts during this class. This post should be your “best”. Choose any music contained in attached chapters 1-8 to answer above questions.

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