

Formal Report Structure (See the Formal Report example attached to the Formal Report assignment.)

The following will offer you design and writing suggestions. In addition, the formal report you write needs to show a ~3,000 word count in the

bottom left corner by the Words: counter.

Topic for Your Formal Report

You will research a business process or business operations topic and prepare a report for an executive audience. Components of the process for

writing the report will include a topic proposal, project updates, and revision of drafts. If you have questions, call me.

Contents for the Formal Report Assignment Document

You attach one Word document containing a well-written formal report using the description under the Structure header, which matches the Formal

Report Example. Use APA (Website link:; scroll down to use Quick Answers: References and Quick Answers Formatting, or

contact Dr. Blackburn). When the due date arrives, I will read only the first document you submit.


Cover Sheet: Provide a title, Prepared for… (Name the audience), Prepared by… (Name project team members), and Date.

Table of Contents & List of Figures (Use Table of Content feature in Word; if you don’t, five points will be deducted). Follow these directions

in Word: go to File and click on Help; click on “Getting Started” and a webpage will pop up; in the search area in the upper right corner, type

in “table of content”; the top title on this page reads, “Create a table of contents or update a table of contents”; click on the link and

scroll down to read a header in red print – “Create a table of contents automatically”. You need to use this feature or points will be

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Executive Summary – high-level overview of the report, including a brief summary statement and an ending one-sentence paragraph of your


First page of the report and remainder of the body of the report (6-7 pages for this section specifically, including two-three graphics [table,

chart, figure, etc.] of 1/3 to 1/4 page size). To keep the formatting of the report easy, use one-inch margins all around. When using direct

quotes, insert no more than two direct quotes per page. End with strong conclusion summary and recommendation (Make sure you start the

recommendation with “I recommend….”, as you will do in the presentation).

Bibliography or references. Work with Dr. Blackburn on creating a strong list, ranging between 9-11 academic directed references. Using one or

two sources that only show a link can be used but if your reference list contains all secondary or tertiary sources, you will receive a point

deduction on the excessive use of non-academic sources. Also, if you use only search engine references, you will have a point reduction

depending on the extensiveness of the Internet only use that demonstrates no strong research articles and references. Have a strong list of

academically-oriented resources references.