Article Portfolio


Portfolio Objectives
The purpose of this project is to enable students to demonstrate their knowledge of
important international business concepts and apply research, analytical, andcommunication skills. Students will demonstrate their ability to choose relevant sources,summarize key information, provide a critical analysis, and use proper citation in theirportfolio consisting of topics concerning one or more of the international business issuespresented in the textbook.
Students will be expected to show development of research and critical thinking skills by completing ananalysis of articles related to course content. Each portfolio must include 5 essays based on articlesrelated to topics in international business, with no more than 2 articles relating to any one chapter in thetextbook. Each essay of the portfolio should include a short summary of the article, a thesis statementand a short analysis demonstrating how the article relates to specific issues in international business.
For the portfolio, a minimum of 2 different sources must be used. Any print, audio, or
audiovisual source will be accepted. Students must describe articles that are not print-based in
detail – for example, if you include an interview, you must describe the circumstances under
which the interview took place. Include a copy of each article. NOTE: Reviews that only
summarize an article and do not provide any critical analysis will be given a mark of 0.
1. Choose an article
2. Read the article
3. Consider how the article is related to current topics in Int’l Business
4. Summarize the article (approx 250 words)
5. Create a thesis/position/direction for the analysis based on Step 3.
6. Write the essay
7. Repeat steps 1 – 6 for 5 different articles
The first paragraph of each essay should be a brief summary of the article. The last sentence of this
introductory summary should introduce/state the approach you are taking in the analysis.
The primary result of an analysis should be to inform readers fully about differences or about options and theirdrawbacks so that they can make an informed decision. A critical analysis should be clear and concise; it shouldreveal the writer’s thinking about the items undergoing analysis; it should demonstrate that the writer has providedsupporting evidence for each position or option. For example, if you agree with the premise of the article, youmight want to write your views giving reasons for your support, and, if possible, include data (facts/figures) fromoutside sources. Each critical review should be between 1 – 2 pages, double spaced, depending on the size/length
of the article.Note – each article/analysis is a stand-alone essay. The full assignment consists of 5 article analyses
5 essays ( 1- 2 pages each) double spaced (APA format)
No more than 2 articles pertaining to any chapter !!!Which means
• You can address 5 chapters ( 1 article per chapter)
• You can address 4 chapters ( 2 articles; 1 article ; 1article ; 1 article)
• You can address 3 chapters ( 2 articles ; 2 articles ; 1 article)
• Graded based on the following
1) Thesis/ Position statement- 1 to 4
2) Supporting Information- 1 to 4
3) Organization- 1 to 4
4) Sentence Structure- 1 to 4
5) Spelling & Word Usage 1 to 4

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Textbook is international business the challenges of globalization Canadian edtion
Chaper1 globalization

Chapter2 cross-culture business ( what is culture, classifying culture, …)

Chapter3 politics and law (political system, politicalrisk, legalsystem, business and
international relations)

Chapter4 international ethics

Chapter 5 economics and emerging markets

Chapter 6 international trade (why do government intervene in trade,methods of promoting/restricting trade)

Chapter7 foreign direct investment

Chapter 8 regional economic integration

Chaper9 international financial markets and foreign exchange

Chapter 10 international strategy and organization

Chapter 11 selecting and managing entry modes (exporting,importing,countertrade, contractual entry modes)

Chapter 12 developing and marketing products(globalization and marketing, developing product in strages,)


Example :


Last Name, First Initial, INTB 300(xxx)
Nestlé Combats China Food Scandals
by Dexter Roberts
Business Week
October 31, 2008
The article, “Nestle Combats China Food Scandal” attempts to examines the link between the 2008 food safety scare in China and drastic actions multinationals have taken in an effort to calm skittish consumers. China, with a population of roughly 1.3 billion, is a key market for major international players such as Wal-Mart, Nestle, Heinz and Cadbury. Certain foods contaminated with an industrial chemical called Melamine, had these companies pulling different food off their shelves, recalling shipments and even going as far as dumping millions into research and development facilities. This analysis will examine why it is necessary for companies to revamp global strategies to recreate value for consumers when the business climate becomes volatile. Last line of 1st Para introduces direction of analysis
A Global Strategy can be defined as “an organization’s strategic guide to globalization.” Source information required for quotations! This type of strategy is typically linked to a goal to maximize long-time profitability for a company. A crucial part of achieving the strategy set out by managers is to create value for the consumers talk about the China case – use examples of how Nestle attempted to maximize long-term profit – use details, facts, figures.and add related info. You should use as many paragraphs as it takes to express your views clearly and thoroughly.
Ultimately, to recreate value and re-establish trust among Asian consumers these companies will be required to actively demonstrate the precautions and improvement they are initiating. This paragraph should continue with information about Nestle (and others) …. …give more details, facts & figures related to precautions & improvements and the importance and or effects of revamping this particular strategy..
It is inevitable that international companies dealing with food and non-perishable items will have to deal with issues regarding the safety and quality of their products This paragraph should continue with information about the case or cases presented in the article.
Reference Roberts, Dexter. (2008) FULL REFERENCE REQUIRED

READ ALSO :   [adapted from Shirley Brice Heath, Stanford University and Bonnie Mcelhinny, the University of Toronto] This course will concentrate for the most part on the ways in which language is used by women and by men. The different status of men and women in society is also reflected, however, by the ways in which women and men are talked about differently. In this exercise, you'll be collecting examples of sexist use of language and discussing possible approaches to eliminating it. (1) Some words are used to refer both to people in general and men in particular, while the feminine counterparts refer only to women, and not to people in general. Some examples include: man, man-to-man, prehistoric man, brotherhood, you guys, and policeman. In addition, masculine words are often used as the base from which feminine words are formed, but word-formation rarely goes in the other direction. Examples include Paul/Paulette, governor/governess, major/majorette, star/starlet. Find ten other examples of such asymmetry in language. What sorts of alternative usages can you suggest in each case? (For example, one can substitute police officer for policeman, person-to-person for man-to-man, prehistoric people for prehistoric man, etc. One can also use star to refer to male and female performers.) (2) Of the words which serve as generic referents, the one which has recently received most attention is the use of the 'generic' masculine pronoun he/him/his in such sentences as the average student is worried about his grades, we will hire the best qualified person regardless of his sex, each student can select his own topic, everyone should do his best, each student will do better if he has a voice in the decision, and when everyone contributes his own ideas, the discussion will be a success. A number of recent sociolinguistic and psychological studies have demonstrated that the masculine pronoun, though traditionally used as a generic or neutral referent for any individual, is strongly linked in most people's minds, and in most people's usages, with men only. Many journals, magazines and newspapers now require that submissions be rewritten in more inclusionary language. Several strategies suggested for avoiding the use of the 'generic' masculine pronoun include the following: -Drop the masculine pronoun  The average student is worried about [Ø] grades. -Rewrite the sentence in the plural rather than the singular  Students can select their own topics. -Substitute the pronoun one/one's for he/his  One should do one's best. -Use he or she, his or her  Each student will do better if she or he has a voice in the decision. -Use their when the subject is an indefinite pronoun  When everyone contributes their own ideas, the discussion will be a success. Collect 20 examples of sentences in each of which you find the use of the 'generic' masculine pronoun OR the use of one of these alternative strategies. These sentences may be culled from naturally occurring speech, from radio shows, newspapers, magazines, soap operas, your own essays, etc. Carefully note the source of each sentence. Which formulation do you find most frequently? Do men and women tend to use the same formulation, or different ones? Is any one formulation favoured in certain discourse genres (e.g. newspapers or casual conversations with friends)? (3) What do ways of referring to men and women demonstrate about the values and behaviours associated with the two sexes? The two lists below contain terms of reference for men and women. When you evaluate the connotations associated with each word, do you find any patterns? (One way of looking at the connotations is to mark each word according to whether it is associated with Animals (A), Objects (O), Food (F), Sex (S), Young (Y), Old (Ol), No Positive or Negative Connotation-neutral (N), Positive Connotation (P), Derogatory or Negative Connotation (D). Each word may be characterisable by more than one of these features. Can you add any words to these lists? If you speak a language other than English, you may choose to create such lists for the language that you're familiar with and evaluate those patterns instead of evaluating the English words listed here. TERMS REFERRING TO WOMEN womanladygirlgirly lasssister broadchickbabe biddydamedoll damselcronedish honey miss nympho skirt sugartootswench hagtramp bitchwhore teaseharpydarling sweetie bunny maiden witch catchtartvamp squaw angel cookiehussy gossipairhead dogdykelesbian TERMS REFERRING TO MEN man gentboyguyfellowgentleman ladbrotherblokechapcodger dude geekgeezernerdold goat schmucksport stagstudhunk jockbumbuddy he-manwimp jerk creepredneckbastard prickasshole fairygayfaggot motherf-er queer (4) Often word choice reflects unexamined attitudes about appropriate sex roles, so that terms frequently or normatively associated with one sex are modified when used with the other sex. Examples include: nurse (male nurse), doctor (lady doctor), family man (but not family woman), career woman (but not career man). In other cases the feminine referent trivializes the woman's work/career as in authoress or poetess. Collect five examples of such sex-role stereotyping. If you were writing guidelines for non-sexist use of language, what sorts of substitutions or suggestions would you offer to deal with such words?

Proper reference using APA format. All 5 articles and any additional sources including the textbook should be reported on a separate Reference Page –the last page of the report. Most students write essays between 1 ½ and 2 pages for each article. The purpose of the assignment is for you to assess/analyze different perspectives of international business and articulate your position on those perspectives. Ultimately, this assignment allows you to practice & improve your writing skills.