12 Angry Men


12 Angry Men demonstrates the implementation of the key learnings from the first 5 units of the class
material. The purpose of this assignment is to utilize the learnings from the first 5 units (Assertive
Communication, Conflict Resolution, Team Building, Change, and Leading Others and Group Dynamics)
and identify how they are demonstrated in either a successful or failed way in the movie.
This assignment is a group assignment. It is to be submitted by email and
may be in either a word (.doc, .docx) format only.
The cover page will include the title of the assignment, group number and group members’ names.
The report will be double spaced with 12 point Times New Roman, Calibri, or Arial font and should be no
less than 10 pages but no more than 20 pages in length, not including the cover page.
The assignment is a combination of group and individual marking.
The report will be divided into two (3) sections.
Section A – Movie section – worth 30 of the 60 marks
For Section A you are to deliver the following:
Identify and discuss three (3) core concepts from course material that you feel were demonstrated in
the movie.
For each concept identified, discuss how it was demonstrated in the movie by describing the scene,
players involved (see cast list below) and how the concept was used/not used to achieve a particular
goal of an individual or group.
You may not use a particular unit more than twice (2 times). (Eg. You may not use content from the
teams unit twice)
Each movie section is worth 10 marks and will be graded as follows:
Identification and description of class concept to be discussed (3 marks).
Description of scene demonstrating concept (2 marks).
Discussion of concept as demonstrated in scene selected (5 marks).
Section B – Team Section – worth 10 of the 60 marks
Discuss how your team utilized any two (2) of the concepts from the course in the completing of this
assignment (10 marks).
Each discussion is worth 5 marks.
You may discuss how a concept was used and its success or how a concept could have been used better
to achieve a more positive result.
Section C – Peer Evaluation – worth 20 of 60 marks
A Peer Evaluation will be completed by each team member and submitted separately.
The Peer Evaluation will be submitted by email
Subject line of the email should read as follows:
PE – Group # Your name (first and last)
Please complete your peer evaluation in a manner that you would be able to defend if called upon. It
should be a thoughtful reflection of yourself and fellow team members.
You will only see the mark that you are assigned for this section and not the individual reports submitted
by your team members.
Total: 60 Marks
You will have to watch the film in order to understand the contents, and better complete the assignment.

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