Individual Assignment: Teach-Back Essay


This week try the teach-back method with one patient per day (or a friend/relative if you are not working as an RN) until you have

taught at least 4 patients/learners or more until you may get the “ah…ha!” moment. Keep a log of your teach-back experiences. Write

down your reflections to include:
• What key information did you teach?
• How did it go? How did the patient respond?
• How did it feel for you as the nurse?
• What would you do differently next time?
• Did using the teach-back method feel like extra work?
• Did the teach-back uncover any miscommunication?
Summarize your experience in implementing the teach-back method and what you learned in a formal essay. You may use the 1st person

voice (I, me, we).
The essay should be 6 pages (excluding cover and reference pages). Use APA 6th edition format. First, submit the essay via the

Turn-It-In at least 24 hours before the due date of the draft. Then, revise and submit the draft paper via the “Draft Teach-Back

Essay” Assignment link.
After the submission of Teach-Back Essay paper, the instructor will comment and provide feedback to you in either written or oral

form. Then, you will finalize the paper and submit it again via the “Finalized Teach-Back Essay” Assignment Link.
Criteria for evaluation:
Grading rubric for the DRAFT teach-back essay is shown below ((10 points):
Points Given Points Earned
Turn-It-In: No more than 10% on originality report (excluded the cover & reference pages) 2
Comprehensive: Address all six reflective questions, minimum teaching of 4 learners 4
Engagement: Substantive, showing interest of learning 2
Critical thinking: Insightful, thoughtful, reflective 2
Total 10
Grading rubric for the FINALIZED teach-back essay is shown below ((10 points):
Points Given Points Earned
Comprehensive: Address all six reflective questions, minimum teaching of 4 learners 4
Engagement: Substantive, showing interest of learning 2
Critical thinking: Insightful, thoughtful, reflective 2
Overall writing ability: Clear, concise, flowing, grammar, spelling 1
Format: Support by appropriate resources/references, APA styles 1
Total 10

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