HRPO Case 19 Conflict


Discuss: WHat chance do Deric and RayLyn have of restoring their relationship? Should they try? Will Deric eventually come to view

goals differently?
Expand Your Understanding: Interview several people you highly respect (supervisors, coworkers, friends, family, or others) to

identify the importance they place on goal setting, Reseach the topic of goals— the type of goals, establishing goals, and so on.

(You may need to include the topic of “objectives” in your research as some authors do not distinguish between goals as the larger

picture and objectives as the smaller, more specific tasks and means to accomplish goals. Similarly, you may also want to include

the topic of “mission” in your research as most authors view a mission as a larger, more encompassing term than goals, but one that

has significant meaning to goals.) Draw some conclusions from your interviews and research. suggest some of the advantages of

having goals and engaging in goal setting throughout life. Finally, include a statement or two about how you can have goals and

still enjoy the flexibility you want for life to happen.
“I need to find myself.”
Deric and RayLyn will graduate from their university in a few months.
They have been romantically involved for almost two years. Deric is
capable and pOpular and shows great promise of succeeding in any
career he selects (his major is sociology); but, so far, he is not heading
in any direction. When it comes to the future, he often appears con-
fused and listless. RayLyn, however, is highly goal-oriented. She knows
she is going to be a civil engineer, she wants children (one or two) by
the time she is twenty-eight, and she is anxious to work out a lifestyle
with the right partner. Hopefully, it will be Deric.


Last night, in what started out as a casual discussion, RayLyn lost
her patience with Deric. Why? Because he got on his old theme of tak-
ing a one- or twoyear moratorium upon graduation so he could “find
himself” before making any career or relationship commitments. RayLyn
responded, “I know myself. I need to be headed somewhere. It’s not
ambition or money or anything else~it’s just the way I stay positive. I
have to have reachable goals ahead of me. I wouldn’t be comfortable or
happy trying to build a life with a person who avoids specific goals.”

“Fine,” replied Deric. “When it comes to goals, I may feel as you do
in a few years, but I’m not sure. I don’t, at this time of my life, want a
goal-oriented existence. So far, I’ve pretty much done what my parents
and society expect. It’s time for me to live a life of pure freedom. You
go your way; I’ll go mine. Perhaps in a few years we can get back to-
gether and create a lifestyle that would bring fulfillment to both of us.”
A. Discuss: What chance do Deric and RayLyn have of restoring their

relationship? Should they try? Will Deric eventually come to View

goals differently?

B. Expand Your Understanding: Interview several people you highly
respect (supervisors, coworkers, friends, family, or others) to iden-
tify the importance they place on goal setting. Research the topic
of goals-types of goals, establishing goals, and so on. (You may
need to include the topic of “objectives” in your research as some