Case 18 Dilemma


*Discuss: What mistakes did Keejo make that might have contributed to her ultimate disappointment?
*Expand Your understanding: Research the topics of rumors, assumptions, and facts. Find Internet and other sources to define each

topic as well as to explain the significance of each in the workplace. Provide a list of “do’s and don’ts” for each topic—a list

that would be helpful to Keejo as well as to any other person. Draw some conclusions about your findings.

Me? Fall for a rumor?”

When Keejo began her new job as a human-relations specialist, she was

very optimistic about her future. After all, she was young, serious-

minded, well educated, and capable. More than anything else, she
wanted a management role with her company.

Keejo worked extremely hard for three years, and she did an excel-
lent job in human relations. Her personal productivity was never ques-
tioned. Ms. Eichberg, her supervisor, encouraged her to prepare to take
over her job. She helped Keejo considerably in this respect, but, of
course, she could make no promises.

One day, Coleen, a close friend of Keejo’s who worked in another de-
partment of the company, shared some rather disturbing news with her.
Coleen had heard that Mr. Young, an employee from another depart-
ment, was being trained to take Ms. Eichberg’s place as department head.

Although she said nothing and did not show it on the outside, Keejo
was very distressed by the news. It was hard to believe that management
could make such a decision so long before announcing a promotion for
Ms. Eichberg. Keejo fretted about the news constantly and could not keep
her mind on her work. As a result, she made more and more mistakes, and
several important reports were turned in late. Over the next six months,
the excellent relationship she had with her supervisor slowly deteriorated.

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Then, just as Coleen had said, top management made an official
announcement that Ms. Eichberg was promoted and Mr. Young was
made department head. Keejo was deeply hurt and disappointed.

A. Discuss: What mistakes did Keejo make that might have con-
tributed to her ultimate disappointment?

B. Expand Your Understanding: Research the topics of rumors, as-
sumptions, and facts. Find Internet and other sources to define
each topic as well as to explain the significance of each in the work-
place. Provide a list of “dos and don’ts” for each topic-a list that
would be helpful to Keejo as well as to any other person. Draw
some conclusions about your findings.