Reflections Excerpts

34. Reflections Excerpts

To ensure that you keep current with the textbook readings, the student is required to submit 3 pages (double-spaced, Times New Romans 12 font) of short excerpts from the assigned reading of the textbook for that week, and/or any assigned article reading for the week. This assignment requires the student to identify and extract important quotes that capture the main points of assigned readings. The student should use quotation marks and refer to the page number of each excerpt, outline point, or major thought/summary. These are called Reflection Excerpts (REs). Alternatively, you can create an outline highlighting the main points of what you have read. A special RE will involve reading the actual Bible text.
Read Gordon Fee – How to read the Bible for all its worth, ch. 8: “The Parables” After you are done with the reading, write your Reflection Excerpt (RE), on what you read from Fee’s chapter on parables.