Interview- Raising Bilingual a Child

22. Interview- Raising Bilingual a Child

Interview one person on the topic that you are interested in for minimum 10 minutes. Then analyze the important points (themes) of the interview, including at least five direct quotes.
You need to include both your interviewee’
s responses (data) and your reflection or explanation (analysis). Therefore, elect the quotes from your interview data carefully in order to make a strong argument (your analysis). Missing either of them (the data or the analysis) will lead to a significant deduction of your score.
• introduce your interview topic/significance.
• introduce your interview subject and sitting
• the main body (interview questions, at least five quotes of the interview responses and your analysis/ comments/ interrelation)
• summarize the report.
• 3-5 pages depending on your topic.
• Include all interview questions (at least 10 questions) at the end.
1. Introduce your participant
2. Explain why the quote is important, and then explain what does it mean.
3. DO NOT go through the questions one by one, you will get 0.
4. It should be 2 paragraph introduction- 2 pages body- 1 paragraph conclusion
5. Even if you don’t use some questions in the interview analysis, you should include them at the end.
6. Do not be general be specific as much as possible.
7. Interview just one person
8. No names should be included (people names, university names)
My topic is
Raising a Bilingual Child: Major Concerns and Methods.
Research shows that about 50% of the world population is bilingual. This means that it is paramount for parents to raise their children as bilingual. A child who has knowledge of more than one language is likely to have better chances of being employed than a monolingual. There are a number of methods that can be applied in teaching a child different languages. Thus, I am conducing this interview to investigate parents’ feelings, attitudes, and methods toward raising bilingual children.

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