Research the history of the monarchy in Britain, focusing on the importance of tradition and continuity. How is this sense of tradition presented in the film “The Queen”?

31. Research the history of the monarchy in Britain, focusing on the importance of tradition and continuity. How is this sense of tradition presented in the film “The Queen”?

Write a six-page essay (double-spaced, 12-point font), plus a Works Cited page, on the following topic.
1. Research the history of the monarchy in Britain, focusing on the importance of tradition and continuity. How is this sense of tradition presented in the film “The Queen”?
This is a research essay: you must use at least five secondary sources. Use research from academic sources as much as possible. Do not use Wikipedia as a secondary source. Consult more authoritative sources.
Use MLA-style formatting for your citations and Works Cited. Your essay should have a clear thesis statement, logical organization, well-constructed sentences and paragraphs, correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling, and quotations from research that support your points.

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