Measuring Health and Disease

43. Measuring Health and Disease

Grade Standard of work
Between 0% – 39% Fail
Between 40% – 49% The question will be answered to a basic level and be largely descriptive.
Analysis will only include overtly obvious elements.
Between 50% and 59% The answer will reflect a reasonable understanding of the subject and be based on a reasonable level of research and analysis.
The assignment is well structured and includes accurate use of technical terminology and grammar.
Between 60% and 69% The answer will reflect a good understanding of the subject.
Analysis will be developed to a high standard and include insight, justification and critical thinking. A good level of preparation will be evident, with links to other areas.
Use of technical terms will be accurate and fluent and the assignment of a high standard.
Above 70% The answer reflects excellent understanding of the subject and includes detailed analysis, evaluation and justification based on wide research and preparation.
It reflects several perspectives, with critical approaches and linkages beyond the immediate subject area under discussion.
Presentation of the assignment will reflect a high level of academic rigour including attention to structure, grammar and use of technical terminology.
Measuring Health and Disease
This assignment is worth 70% of your total Module mark; the remaining 30% of your mark will be assessed by a short exam. To successfully pass the Module, you must achieve an overall average pass mark of 40% for the module, but not less than 30% in either the assignment or the exam. If you have an exam for this module, we will send you more details of this nearer the time.
In the UK, conservative estimates of the contribution of work-related conditions to health each year:
• 2000 premature deaths are caused by occupational disease
• 8000 deaths are caused in part by work conditions
• 80,000 new cases of work-related disease are registered
• 500,000 people continue to suffer from work-related ill health
• Ill health accounts for 18 million lost working days
• Occupational accidents and ill health are estimated to cost £7 billion. Worldwide each year:
• 250 million occupational injuries are reported
• 160 million cases of occupational disease reported’.
(Naidoo & Wills 2015: 186)
Examine the links between work and health in the UK.
The Harvard System of referencing should be accurately used.
Study materials:
Bonita, R., Beaglehole, R., Kjellstrom, T., WHO (2016) ‘Basic Epidemiology’ 2nd edition,
ISBN 92 4 154707 3, ISBN 978 92 4 154707 3. World Health Organisation 2016.
Gray, M., Measuring ( HS2081) Health and Disease, Study Guide 1 & 2 Version UEL 2, University of East London, Stratford, London.

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