Economics for Managers

Sift Cupcake and dessert bar case
Can you read the case and answer these questions :

1- What are the dominant economic characteristics of the specialty baking market? Does it appear that the industry’s prospects for growth and attractive profits are good?

3-How strong are the competitive forces confronting Sift and other specialty bakers? Which one of the five competitive forces is the strongest? Prepare a five forces analysis to support your answer.

3-What key factors will determine a company’s success in the specialty baking market in the next three to five years?

4- Which of the company’s resources and capabilities have the greatest competitive power? Are Sift’s resources and capabilities (1) competitively valuable, (2) rare, (3) difficult to copy, and (4) not easily trumped by the substitute resources of rival firms? How well do Sift’s resources and capabilities match up with the industry’s key success factors?

5-What is your appraisal of Sift’s financial performance based on the data in case Exhibit 9? How well is the company doing financially? Use the financial ratios in the Appendix of the text as a guide in preparing the calculations needed to arrive at an analysis-based answer to your assessment of Sift’s financial performance.

6- Which of the three strategic options under consideration by Sift’s owners have the best fit with its internal and external situations? What recommendations would you make to Andrea and Jeff Ballus to strengthen the company’s competitive position and future strategic and financial performance?

Note : Page 35 at the end of the file ..

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you can google the questions and you may find the answers, but Don’t copy them please ..