301 W4 P3 SURVEY

301 W4 P3 SURVEY


Your task is to design an online survey and codebook, have your classmates
take your survey, and write up the results. Attached is a model codebook , with instructions on how to develop your own codebook.

Draft your survey. Begin by choosing a topic from the options below.
• Option 1: Measure public opinion about the federal government (e.g., Congress,
President, and/or courts).
• Option 2: Measure public attitudes about crime and punishment.

After choosing your topic, draft a survey that follows the guidelines. Your survey must have five dependent variable questions and five independent variable questions, for a total of ten
questions. The dependent variable questions will ask about your topic, while the independent variable
questions will ask about demographic information (e.g., age). Each question must have exactly five closed ended answer choices. Then, develop a codebook as shown in the model, provided. The responses to all questions are thorough, detailed, and accurate. Results are clear and accurate for all ten variables, including percentages of respondents. Codebook includes accurate codes and descriptions for all variables. Online survey follows all design guidelines from chapter 9. Reflections are
thoughtful and detailed.

Use Required sources only:
Chapters 9 and 6 in Earl Babbie, The Basics of Social Research, 6th ed. Wadsworth, 2014. ISBN 113359414X
Responses will consistently demonstrate that the learner is reading/viewing the source material, reading others’ posts, and reflecting upon all of these, through relevant responses. Responses will consistently draw on specific information from source material (e.g., videos, readings), using multiple specific, accurate, and relevant examples. Responses are well organized, with no run on paragraphs or stream of consciousness writing. Use full sentences with proper grammar and almost no spelling or punctuation mistakes. The tone of your response should reflect formal writing (e.g., no abbreviations that are better suited to informal texting, email, or IM).

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