social welfare and pactrice week 5

social welfare and pactrice week 5

Provide some background information about the policy you have chosen to research. For example, analyze the historical, social, cultural, economic, and political context in which this policy emerged. What are the underlying values of this social welfare policy?

Discuss the American social values in terms of how the problem is understood. Discuss how vulnerable populations are affected by the problem and how it is defined. Discuss the cause(s) of the problem and how opinions over proposed solutions differ based on how the problem is understood.
Influence of values is missing. Paper is poorly written. The writing is not logically organized. Frequently, ideas fail to make sense together.
Influence of values is implied, but not introduced clearly.
Influence of values is clear. Discussion is relatively well articulated.
Influence of values is thoroughly discussed and most criteria are discussed. Ideas are arranged logically. They are usually clearly linked to each other..
Influence of social values is thoroughly discussed and all criteria are discussed Ideas are arranged logically. They flow smoothly from one to another and are clearly linked to each other.

Mechanics (Grammar, spelling, punctuation, syntax)
Virtually no mechanics are executed correctly. Mechanical errors are distracting with no structured flow of ideas.
Some mechanics are executed correctly. The mechanical errors hinder the connection of ideas.
Most mechanics are executed correctly. Contains a few minor errors that do not affect understanding of paper
Most mechanics are executed correctly. Contains a few minor errors that are only minimally distracting.
Virtually all mechanics are executed correctly. Overall, presents as polished, smooth, and professional.

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Virtually no items are presented correctly.
Some required items are present and/or presented correctly. There are multiple errors.
Most required items are present and correct. There are no more than 3-4 errors.
Most required items are present and correct. There are no more than 2-3 errors.
Virtually all required items present and correct.