Yamaha R Max

Yamaha R Max

Report Requirements:

The general objective for the project is to extend a course topic with literature review, detailed

technical information and using real application(s) as case model(s). MAX REPORT’S LENGTH FIVE ONE-SIDE PAGES. The pages OVER five will not be

graded. Times New Roman size 10 single line spacing is required.

Sections must include (but not limited to):

1. Abstract

2. Introduction relevant to the subject

3. Technical description of the subject (modeling, numerical methods, design, manufacturing

techniques, applications, statistics and others applicable subjects)

4. Relevant outcomes from the case subject

5. Conclusions

6. References


It is recommended to write the paper using LaTeX.

Required format is one of the following (you MUST indicate in the report which one you have used):

– American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics at http://arc.aiaa.org/page/authorresources

– Society of Experimental Mechanics at http://www.sem.org/Publications.asp

The Project is :

– Detailed specifications with description including “costs” for components (with most components function included) for Yamaha R Max. The report must;

– include the overall system for a platform’s typical mission

– payload application “one only”

– mission properties

– report should be as detailed as possible about the UAV

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