historic and politics :-Critically evaluate the contributions made by ‘modernisation theory’ to development theory.

The main topic of the eassy is ( word count 3500).
Critically evaluate the contributions made by ‘modernisation theory’ to development theory.
# The essay should use the APA system of referencing correctly and consistently, and should include (at the end) a reference list of all sources used, in alphabetical order by author surname
Assessment Criteria
The research essay will be graded holistically by the extent to which it meets the following criteria:
1. It has a logical structure, and is written clearly and concisely.
2. It provides a well-reasoned and research-based argument, that addresses the chosen topic critically and effectively.
3. It is based upon wide-ranging and critical research into relevant literature.
4. It makes adequate and consistent use of scholarly apparatus (such as notes, references, citations, reference list).

Raul Prebisch, “Introduction”, The Economic Development of Latin America and its Principal Problems, Lake Success, NY: United Nations Department of Economic Affairs, 1950.
**** Key Reading: W. W. Rostow “The Five Stages of Growth—A Summary” [1960], in The Stages of Economic Growth: A Non-Communist Manifesto, 2nd edn, Cambridge University Press, 1971.
Dudley Seers, “The Limitations of the Special Case” [1963] in Gerald M. Meier (ed.), Leading Issues in Economic Development, 3rd edn, New York: Oxford University Press, 1976.

Text book.
Gilbert Rist, The History of Development: From Western Origins to Global Faith, 4th edn, London: Zed Books, 2014. Chapter. 6: “Modernization Poised Between History and Prophecy” (pp. 93-108)

McKay, J. (2008). Reassessing development theory: ‘Modernization’ and beyond. In D. Kingsbury (Ed.), International development: Issues and challenges (pp. 51-73). New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

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Esteva, G. (1992). Development. In W. Sachs (Ed.), The development dictionary: a guide to knowledge as power (pp. 7-25). London, UK: Zed Books.

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Rist, G. (2005) Metamorphoses of a Western myth. The history of development: From Western origins to global faith, (Rev. ed) (pp. 25-46). London, England: Zed Books.

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Willis, K. (2005). Introduction: What do we mean by development. Theories and practices of development (pp. xvi-31). London: Routledge