The Global economy

Part A: Economists
Economists perform a variety of roles in Australia and in other countries. These include policy analysis and advice to governments (at all levels including local) and international institutions, analysis and advice regarding economic conditions to both big and small business, forecasting, work in the finance sector, agriculture, trade, taxation – the list is large!

For Part A, research the role of an economist in an institution/business/sector of your choosing. This means finding out about the economist’s role. You need to reference an actual position description for an economist. Provide the reference for where you found the position description. (Note that this does not need to refer to an actual vacancy; many organisations describe what economists who work for them might do, even if they are not actively recruiting at the moment.)
Write a report of no more than 500 words that includes:
(a) A brief introduction to/information about the organization you have chosen: their role and mission statement or similar.
(b) A description of the role you have chosen, including the (economics) skills required for the role.
(c) One question you would like to ask an economist in that role, and a brief reason why you are interested in the answer (you do not have to provide an answer). The question must be related to the organisation, not just, for example: “Do you like your job?”! For example for an economist at the Reserve Bank of Australia, you might want to ask what conditions would need to change in Australia before the Board is likely to lift the cash interest rate, or something similar. Be creative!
Include a brief introduction (one or two sentences), then address the three points above separately.
Part B: Interest rates and monetary policy: data collection, presentation and analysis
Note: Please do not attach excel files with your assignment. You need to use copy/paste functions to transfer your tables and graphs to the word document containing your assignment.

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Part C: Theory and policy

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