
Please write 2 pages for each question. Don’t include the questions in the papers. Just write the number of question in the beginning of each answer. I will attach PDF’s about each question. The introduction of each answer should be only 3 lines, and the conclusion should be only 2 lines.

1-Barbara Tomlinson identifies the trope of the angry feminist. Define the characteristics of the trope, explain how if functions to shift the burden of proof to feminists, as public shaming, and through the mark of the plural. Define and explain each term. Then apply this understanding to an example from popular culture or media. Describe the rhetoric and give specific examples of how it promotes the trope of the angry feminist. Finally, evaluate the trope. Does it function effectively to silence feminist voice? Might it be challenged?Why or why not?

2-Define and discuss Foucault’s notions of power(power,biopower,govermentality, resistance, specific intellectuals), and ethics (ethical substance, mode of subjection, telos, asceticism, game, self-care). Give examples for each concept.

3-Define and explain the components of Perelman and Olbrechts-Tyteca’s concepts of universal and specific audience. Craft an argument for or against removing personal and religious exemptions for a universal audience.Then chose a particular audience that you identify or name and craft an argument for that particular audience. What concideration change when you are particularizing the argument? Does it give you more or less argumentative flexibility?

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