speech analysis

Primary: Watch and critique a speech using the speech analysis tools here. no need to put name and date.

Secondary: comment on two of your peers’ posts about how you might emulate or avoid something they’ve pointed out in their chosen speech.

Make sure to include the link to your speech in your primary post. A couple places you can find a speech to watch:

• http://www.americanrhetoric.com/speeches/jfkriceuniversity.htm offers the text of Kennedy’s 1962 speech on sending a person to the moon.

• http://www.history.com/speeches offers speeches from politics, government, science and technology, and arts and entertainment.

Peer’s post 1:

I watched a speech by Charlie Chaplain, known as the “Great Dictator Speech”. It is considered to be one of the greatest speeches of all time. After watching the speech, I would say that is was an exceptional example of public oratory.

The purpose of Charlie Chaplain’s speech was to motivate. He offered stirring words in support of freedom from tyranny, world peace, and open mindedness. Chaplain was mesmerizing. During the first two minutes of the speech, I noticed that he did not blink once. His eyes were fixed and determined, yet his words were elegant and felicitous. His tone built and waned like a symphony. This was a superb motivational speech.

The primary message of the speech was against oppression of people, and in support of free, peaceful, and democratic governments ran by the people. Chaplain delivered the speech in character as the Great Dictator, complete with army fatigues and a Hitler mustache. That alluded to the oppression and violence that his speech denounced, which helped drive th point home.

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Charlie Chaplain was definitely the right person for this speech. He is known (and was known at the time of this movie) as the greatest silent film star ever. To see someone so notable, who was famous for acting in movie in which no one even spoke, make a moving and profound speech was nothing short of breathtaking. I don’t know if this was the greatest speech ever, but it definitely one of the better speeches I have heard.

Peer’s post 2:

This is a speech to inform and persuade on anti bullying. It’s pretty decent for a school presentation. It’s well organized and well prepared. A lot of reading and memorization which can lead to mistakes and fumbling of the words. This strategy can also make the speech sound unnatural and dull. She can’t connect with her audience when her eyeballs are focused on her index cards rather than her audience. Straight reading makes her sound robotic and unenthusiastic about the topic, which as a result makes her overall speech less convincing.

I believe her speech could have been better if she delivered it as if she was telling a story with an intro, body and conclusion and using her index cards to stay on topic.

This is an example of a speech done the right way. Notice the difference between the two? The second speaker is way more passionate. She’s not reading, she’s engaging with the audience and keeping them interested. Imagine this same speech simply being read from index cards with no emotions. The way it is delivered makes a world of a difference.
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