
Commercial/PSA Animoto.com allows you to build short, free video slideshows. Since you can add text, music, and images, you can easily craft a commercial-style video (or PSA- Public Service Announcement) to promote your idea. The challenge here is working within these constraints and still evoking your message. If you’d like to use another tool, please email your instructor. To meet the demands of the assignment, students should choose two contexts and produce two shorts. You could design one commercial to appeal to a sympathetic audience and one to appeal to a resistant audience, or perhaps one that uses ethos and one that uses pathos. You should include an additional page with a description of your purpose as described under the assignment section below.

Also, please try to follow these questions: Commercial 1. What types of audiences (resistant, neutral, sympathetic) will you appeal to, and/or what appeals (ethos, pathos, logos) will you use? 2. What types of visuals will you use to make this video interesting? 3. Give a short 3-5 sentence overview of the goals of your commercials. 4. Talk about one or two things you learned from reviewing the resources provided in the lesson.I just have sent four questions that need answers in separate page. So, please these questions need to be answered after you done with this project.

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