

LSBF needs to recruit a Business tutor for its HND Business programme for the next semester. As a Recruitment Manager, you were asked to prepare the Recruitment Procedure, job description and person specification to be followed to guide the other members of the Team and for documentation purpose. As part of the recruitment, you need to select two CVs from any job portals or website and analyse them in terms of candidates’ suitability for the job. This example will illustrate the Recruitment procedure details which cannot be all written down.

1.1 Write the Recruitment Procedure, job description and person specification to select and recruit a new Business tutor. (AC 1.1)

1.2 Assess the impact of legal, regulatory and ethical considerations to the recruitment and selection process for above case if applicable. (AC 1.2)

1.3 Write a report demonstrating the selection process that took place in order to recruit a new Business tutor. (AC 1.3)

1.4 Evaluate your contribution as the Recruitment Manager in the above selection process. (AC 1.4)

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