Japanese Vaules

Write A small introduction to Zen Buddhism with empasis on direct meditation . For each question. Explain how various sources assigned for this unit express value . For instance, draw from all 3 sources assigned for unit. Include several stories , elements , or episode from each source to ensure you have enough content be sure to explain how the content you present exemplifies or illustrates the value you are writing about . Format: utlize 3 sources assigned and write 600-700 words . That means, Question(1)How is Zen a Japanese Value ? Student Notes [ Zen Buddhism is a very tricky concept to understand.One reason is its emphasis on direct experience in mode of meditation which leads to achieving a state of mind beyond words. Zen traces back to the Sanskirt word dhyana. Zen Buddhism meditation is sexual in nature. Write 600-700 words , utilize all 3 sources into one question. This means , use “Seven Samurai”, Myths and Legends, and “The Zend Mind’ as sources in the question. Question (2) How is nature a Japanese value ? Student Notes [ Nature is simply the natural enviroment which include animals and plants life . It is significant in “The Four Seasons” – Japanese culture accepts things that are human in nature . ] Write 600-700 words , utilize all three sources in one question. This means, use “Seven Samurai”, “Myths and Legends of Japan , “The Zend Mind’ as sources in this paper. Question (3) How is honor a Japanese value ? Student Notes[ Bushido-“The way of the warrior ” also the 7 virtues are embodied characteristics held by samurai 1.rectoued , or justice 2. courageous 3. merciful 4. politeness -rooted in confucianism5. honesty6.honor 7.loyalty ] Write 600-700 words , utilize all 3 sources in the question. For instance, use “Seven Samurai ” Myths and Legends of Japan, and The Zend Mind ” as sources in this question. Writer , try to use specific stories, or episodes for examples in each value.


Writer , i wrote alote of additional information but remember my values are as follow : (1) How is Zen a Japanese value ?

(2)How is nature a Japanese Value ? (3) How is Honor a Japanese value ?

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